Crybaby Dream AgeRe Fanfic Story

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It's been 3 months since Crybaby was sold to One Direction. Those pretty boys didn't deserve her. They didn't know her worth, or her music taste, like i do.

I decided that, since i knew how to kidnap her once, i would do it again. I broke into the 1D mansion and stole back my Crybaby.
Now, she is here with me once again.

I left her in her room, but it's been a while since I've seen her. I think I'll go check on here.

I walk to Crybaby's room and knock on the door. "Crybaby, are you in there?" I ask, but nobody answers. "Crybaby?" I ask again, opening the door.

As i walks in, i see Crybaby, sitting on the floor with a coloring book. "Oh, where did you get that?" I asks.  I never got her a coloring book. Where did it come from?

"Mommy?" Crybaby say, lifting her head to look me in the eyes.

As our eyes lock, I can't help but smile. She seems so small and happy. But why did she call me mommy?

"No, silly girl." I say. "My name is Dream." I walk closer to her and look down at the coloring book. None of the crayon is inside the lines. It looks like it was colored by a toddler.

"Mommy!" Crybaby says, tugging on the leg of my pants. I look at her and she reaches her hands up towards me. "Uppies!!" She says.

I can't deny a girl her uppies. I immediately bend down and pick Crybaby up, holding her in my arms. "Hello there!" I say, looking her in the face.

"Mommy, wan dwah?" She says, tilting her head in curiosity. I don't know what she's asking me. She pronounced all the words like a toddler would have.

"What?" I ask.

"Mommy wan dwah!" She says again, homding a crayon towards me. Shes asking me to draw with her? Ok!

"Sure thing!" I say. Suddenly, her places the crayon in her hand against my mask and begins scribbling green all over the side of it. "I thought you meant the coloring book?" I ask, but she keeps scribbling for a few more minutes.

Once my mask is covered in green crayon, Crybaby asks me "pay dess up?" She tilts her head again.

"Oh, does crybaby want to play dress up?" I ask, hoping that was what she actually said.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" She yells in my ears.

"Ok, let me put you down then." I say, placing her back onto the floor. My arms are so tired from holding her for so long. She may be acting like a toddler, but shes still the size of a teenage girl.

Crybaby crawls over to a closet full of random clothes. 'Why are all these things in my house?' i wonder, as i watch Crybaby try to put on a shirt, but get her head stuck in an arm hole.

"Here," i say as i walk over to her. "Let me help you."

"Mommy!" She cheers, peaking her head at me through the shirt's sleeve.

"Yeah, let mommy dream help you." I say. I take her head out of the shirt sleeve and put the shirt on her correctly. When i look down at her, i notice that it's not a regular shirt and is actually Karl Jacobs merchandise.

"Oo wike it?" She asks, standing up and spinning around to show it off.

'i DON'T like it, but she looks so proud and, as her new mommy, i can't tell her it looks BAD'
I nod. "It looks great, my little.. pony." I tried to give her a cute nickname, but panicked.

":3" she says. I don't know how she said it, but she did.

"Does my little pony want to go to the park?" I ask. Kids like parks, right?

"Yay yay yay!!" She says, running towards the door. Even though she's taller than the doorknob, she pretends she can't reach it. "Mommy :(" she says, turning to look at me "hewp me owpn doow!"

I walk over and open the door for her. She immediately continues running. She go to the park and i push her on the swings for a few hours. She plays in the sand box and throws sand at a few kids. I watched their parents give Crybaby strange looks, but i guess they aren't used to seeing a 5'2" toddler in Karl Jacobs merchandise playing in the sandbox. L.

After Crybaby went down the same slide 41 times, she ran over to me. "Mommy, i eepy".

"Oh, does my little pony want to go home and take a nap?" I ask.

"Mhm." She say, "uppies!!" I pick her up and carry her back home. Once we get inside, i take her to her room and places her in her bed.

"Here, let me take off this hoodie, babygirl." I say. "Lift your arms." Crybaby lifts her arms up and Dream finally takes off the Karl Jacobs merchandise. 'thank god!' i think to myself. 'No wonder she was getting stares at the park! Karl's merchandise is UGLY!'

"mommy, i wan bee tim stowwy!" Crybaby says, pulling me into the bed with her.

"Ouch! You're strong, for a baby" i say. "what story do you want me to read you?"

"Wan stowwy a free widdle pigs!" She says, crawling into my lap.

'oh no! i don't know the story about the three little pigs! What do i do? Would she notice if i made something up?' i worry to myself.

"Ok, um.. once there were three little pigs.." i begin to improvise. I look at Crybaby to see if she's believing me so far, but when i look, she is already asleep. "Oh." I say. "Um.. ok, goodnight then."

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