Season 2 - Part 1

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"Ma'am, this is for your own good!" He said, yelling at me for refusing to go with him. "Please, let me go! I don't know you!" I yelled back, which wasn't a good idea. He bonked me, in the head, with the back of his gun. I fainted.

- Time Skip -

I woke up in a cold room. I could feel the springs about to poke through the mattress I suddenly realized I was laying on.

"Well, good morning!" A voice cheered from my side. I opened my eyes, turning to meet the flat gaze of a smiley face mask.


"Shh." The voice weakly attempt to sooth me. "I already know what you're wondering. You don't need to ask."

I watched as the masked figure stood from the mattress, walking across the cold, dimly lit room. I hadn't noticed until they walked towards an open window that it was now dark outside.

Closing the blinds, the masked figure continued.

"I obviously don't want you to know my real name, but you can call me Dream." He turned around to face me, leaning against the windowsill behind him. "I brought you here because I need to fix you."

My stomach dropped. "What do y-"

"No asking questions!" Dream interrupted. He reached behind him, pulling a sword out from a scabbard I hadn't noticed was strapped to his back. He pointed the sword towards me and began taking steps forwards. "If you ask too many questions, you'll know too much!" His voice kept getting louder. "If you know too much-!"

His steps came to a hault at the edge of the mattress. He looked down at me, slowly lowering the sword in his hands, then moving to place it back in his scabbard.

"If you know too much," he began, voice calmer now, "then I won't be able to let you leave."

I nodded, not wanting to risk him pulling the sword out again.

"Look at that!" He said, reaching his arms out towards me in celebration. "You've already learned to not ask questions!"

He kept his hands out in front of me, extended in what seemed like an offer.

"I see you looking. You're right." He shook his hands in front of my face gently. "Grab my hands."

I hesitated, then reached up to meet his hands. His hands were warm, almost hot, compared to the cold room. He grabbed my hands and started lifting me off of the mattress.

"You're so cold!" He said, sounding a bit concerned. "Do you need a sweater?"

I stared at the blank eyes painted onto the mask. Am I supposed to respond out loud? Or nod again? Before I could decide what to do next, Dream spoke again.

"Answer me when I ask you a question." He squeezed my hands tighter in his. "Do you need a sweater?"

"Y-yes.." I whispered.

"Ah, then I'll go get you one." Dream said, letting go of my hands. "I'll be right back, my dear friend." He patted me on the head, before turning away and walking out the door.

I managed to catch a glimpse through the doorway as Dream walked out. There was a hallway with beige walls and brown carpet. A door across the hall was partially open, revealing a room of white shelves. Littered across the shelves were various white and bright green figures.

As Dream's footsteps descended, I collected my thoughts.

I've just been kidnapped by a man with a smiley face mask. He said I can call him "Dream," but that's not his actual name. He has a gun AND a sword. He said he's going to "fix" me, but hasn't told me what that means.

Maybe I can get out of here?

I looked towards the window. What are the chances it's open?

I quickly ran across the room, lifting up the blinds to check for a lock.

Fuck. There's a comedically large lock holding the window shut.

Before I could move away from the window, the door to the cold room opened again.

"Here's your sweater." Dream said, his voice approaching. "Are you looking out the window?"

I turned around to meet his eyes, forgetting about the mask. His flat, painted eyes stared down at me.

"I asked you a question." He points out. "Were you looking out the window?"

"Yes." I say quickly. My eyes move down to his hands. He's holding a lime green hoodie in one hand. The other is holding a cup of water.

"Well, it's too dark to really see anything right now, but if you wanna look outside in the morning, it's easier to if you open the blinds." Dream holds out the hoodie to me. "This is for you."

I take the hoodie and quickly put it on. There is a matching smiley face on the front of it in black.

"Do you like it?" Dream asks, pointing to the hoodie. "It's my face!" He sounds proud, pointing at himself.

"Yes." I say, but I'm lying. The hoodie is a bit tacky. The green looks almost like it's glowing in the dark of the cold room.

"This," Dream continues, holding out the cup of water in his other hand," is also for you.

I take the water silently.

"Now, drink that and go to sleep, ok?" Dream says, gesturing to the cup of water. "Do you have any questions for me before I leave you for the night?"

I have so many questions, but I pick the one that feels the most important.

"What did you mean when you said you were going to "fix" me?" I ask.

"Oh, silly Crybaby." Dream says.

My heart sinks when I realize he knows my name. How does he know my name? Do I know who HE is?

Dream continues.

"I'm going to fix your awful taste in music! I know you're a fan of Patsy Cline, which is just too bad." Dream grabbed my shoulders. "I've brought you here to get you into some REAL MUSIC."

He let go of my shoulders and pat me on the head again. Why does he keep petting me?

"We start in the morning!" Dream cheered. "Make sure you get enough sleep!"

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