Chapter 1

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Kanvi's Pov

I reached school early today. As my parents went for a business trip. I'm actually a bit sad as my birthday is coming. I don't like my birthday because this day I came to this cruel world. Even my mother regrets. She told me that I'm the worst child of hers. She wants me to be dead I'll fulfill her wish too.
Bell rang

School hours started every teacher came and did there work. Students too studied whole heartedly. As there finals are coming. It was time to go back to home.

Abhinav's Pov

Today I came to school it was boring but what can we do. Now it was time for my freedom I mean time to go home. I'm actually a bit tensed because today Kanvi seemed lost though she was paying attention to the teacher but something has happened she was not as cheerful and happy as she always is.  Leave it I'll talk to her tomorrow. So I secretly like her that's the reason I noticed this change otherwise I don't pay attention to girls. So now I came to cycle ground of my school as I am coming from cycle but wait what have happened to my cycle.

O God! Not again

Last time I complained to the principal regarding this matter. But they didn't took steps to control this.

Suddenly and I was pulled in a corner and I felt a sharp pain in my head and I fell down.

Kanvi's Pov

School hours are over. My class teacher assigned me some work.

And right now I'm doing that. I was about to go when my teacher called me told me to give this book to Abhinav.

Now I'm going to cycle ground as he is coming from cycle so he'll be there. Because I asked one of his friends and he told that he didn't came out.

But it's strange because it's late. But it's ok thanks to my luck.

I came to ground but I didn't saw anyone. I was about to leave but I heard a strange sound and it was coming from the corner of the ground. It is strange because no one is allowed to go there. Out of curiosity I decided to check wants happening.

I froze on my spot when I saw that a group of boys were beating Abhinav. And he almost lost his consciousness his condition was not at all good I have to do something.

I was thinking what to do then I saw one them was going to hit Abhinav with a iron rod. I didn't thought twice and came in between and I got hurt in my hand. As they saw me they started running and within 2 minutes they left us.

I saw Abhinav was worried and tensed but before he could say something he lost his consciousness.

Abhinav's Pov

I felt a sharp pain in my head and then I saw a group of boys and within one minute they started beating me for some unknown reasons. My condition was getting worse. I saw one of them coming to me with an iron rod. I wanted to save myself but I was left with zero strength.

Now I closed my eyes and was preparing myself to bear that pain but I didn't felt any kind of pain. I opened my eyes and saw Kanvi.
No! No! What is she doing here. She was hit by the rod. Before I could say something I lost my consciousness

Author's Pov

As Kanvi didn't came her driver also her P.A.
Rohit came to ground. He asked one of the students about the whereabout of Radhika.

They told him that saw her going towards the cycle ground. He went to cycle ground and the seen in front of him shocked him to core.

Kanvi's Pov

I was hit on my hand. But now the main problem was Abhinav. He lost his consciousness and blood was coming out of his head. I was scared God knows why. But I was not feeling good. I kept his head on my lap and started shaking him but little did I know It was of no use.

Then I saw Rohit Bhaiya. He is my P.a. but he treat me as his little sister. He came to me asked me what happened.

I told him that firstly we should go to hospital and he nodded his with his help we took Abhinav to the car. I sat on backseat with Abhinav. I took the first aid box and was trying to stop the blood. And I successfully did that. Now I told the whole scenario to Bhaiya.

We reached hospital and Abhinav was immediately admitted to the hospital. My hand was now paining a lot. In addition I didn't had my lunch today and in breakfast I just had a cup of coffee. In morning my mother told me something and I was deeply hurt by her words so I didn't wanted to eat.

Suddenly doctor came and told that they wanted O negative blood. Luckily I'm having that blood group.

But doctor told that I was not allowed to donate blood as I'm underage. But I insisted because I wanted to save Abhinav's life. It was important so the doctor agreed. A nurse came and took me inside after the blood donation I came out. When I came Rohit bhaiya offered me fruit juice but I denied.

But he forced me so I drank a bit. Then doctor came and told us that Abhinav is now out of danger and we only  can see him because he didn't regained his consciousness.

I was about to go when my head start spinning and everything turned black infront of my eyes.

Rohit's Pov

Kanvi told me everything in car. We came to hospital and admitted that boy. Kanvi's condition was not looking so good. I went to her and was about to ask whether she got hurt or not but then the doctor came and told they need O negative blood.

Kanvi is a very caring girl. She helps everyone even strangers too. So she decided to donate the blood but doctor protested but Kanvi being Kanvi donated the blood she is a Boss lady for some reasons.

As she came after the blood donation. She was looking so pale. I offered her juice but she denied. But I'm also the p.a. of my most stubborn boss so I made her drink the juice.

Doctor came and informed us that the boy is now safe and we can see him. I was going with doctor to complete some formalities but than I heard a thud sound and I turned and saw Kanvi was lying on the floor unconsciously and she got hurt in her head as well.

Abhinav's Pov

I woke up in an unfamiliar background. I felt a sting  pain in my head. Then I recalled everything that happened a while ago. And the first thing that came into my mind was Kanvi, where is she?

Suddenly one nurse came to me. And asked me how I was feeling. Ignoring her question I asked about Kanvi.

She told that the girl who came with me is admitted in this hospital.

What! No! What happened to her?..

I ran out of the room and asked the ward boy about Kanvi. He told me the directions. I reached infront of her room and saw a man in black suit was standing there.

As I reached the doctor came out and told that Kanvi has fractured her left arm. I remember she got hurt in her arm while protecting me.

The doctor also told that she faint because she ate nothing and donated the blood too. So out of weakness. Wait a minute, blood donation? I asked. Then they turned and saw me that suit man made me sit and asked how I was feeling.

I ignored him and asked the doc again, then he told that Kanvi donated blood for me.

And wait she didn't had her lunch in the school. What is troubling you Kanvi? Why are you not taking care of yourself huh. I thought internally.

Kanvi's Pov

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head.
The first thing I saw was Rohit Bhaiya along with Abhinav. I asked inspite of all the difficulties that how Abhinav was feeling.

He ignored my question and said nothing just kept mum.

Then I noticed that I was having a bandage in my left arm.

I asked them what happened to me?

They told....

Hello guys hope u enjoyed. Next chapter will be posted soon. Thanks for reading. Ignore my mistakes just like Abhinav has ignored all the questions. Hehehe. I am a new writer. So please support me. Thanks again. Next chapter I'll try to post tomorrow.

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