Chapter 7

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Abhinav's Pov

I'm not feeling good. I think something wrong has happened with Kanvi.

I went to her house and there was a maid she told me that everyone was searching Kanvi in this house but she went to her penthouse and only she was knowing about this so as soon as she told them they went to the penthouse. She also told that no one is knowing where that penthouse is except Kanvi, Ramesh uncle, Rama Aunty and Sahil bhaiya.

Yes let me track the location. I reached there but the seen infront of me shattered my heart into millions of pieces. Here my Kanvi was lying lifeless on the ground and blood was coming out from her head in a huge amount.

Without wasting a second I took her to the hospital. Doctor recognised her and she was immediately admitted to the hospital. I called Sahil bhaiya and informed him about Kanvi's suicide attempt and I also send that video recording to him.

Let him also know who is the reason behind Kanvi's condition.

After 10 minutes Kanvi's brother Lakshay and Ketan along with Shraddha also arrived. I told them everything and they were so furious Lakshay Bhaiya went somewhere but I didn't pay attention to that now my sole attention was on Kanvi.

Doctor came and told that we need urgent blood otherwise they won't be able to save Kanvi.

No!!! I shouted.

Then before I could say something Ketan bhaiya told I'm have the same blood group as her take as much blood you want but please save my sister.

Then he went with doctor.

Now Shraddha's phone began ringing and she picked up the call and saw that Chavi was crying and asking for Kanvi as it 9 pm and time for her sleep.

I saw how vulnerable Chavi was looking.

I stood up and went towards an ideal of Krishna ji that was kept there.

I told.

Kanvi is so nice why are you hurting her like this huh. What is Chavi's fault in this huh she has already lost her mother once and you are snatching her mother again. Please don't take Kanvi with you. I know she is an angel and angels can't live in this world but please don't take her away please. Please save her God. She helped everyone but when she needed help nobody helped her.

She told me everything but I didn't did anything please forgive me. Please give me a chance I will take care of her. Please save her.

If someone happened to her na I won't be able to forgive myself and I won't talk to you either.

After 2 hours doctor came and told surgery was successful but Kanvi is very critical. Already she was very weak and this has woren her condition.

She has lost a huge amount of blood. Also her left arm is fractured. And her right wrist and right ankle has got cracks. She got hurt on her head very badly. And even her lower abdomen had a huge cut it got 17 stitches.

Her condition is very bad. If within 24 hours she won't regain her consciousness we won't be able to save her. The doctor told and left from there.

Ketan bhaiya has send Shraddha home and Lakshay Bhaiya came. He told ketan bhaiya that they couldn't protect there sister. They were knowing what was happening with her then too they did nothing.

I informed my family about this and they allowed me stay at hospital.

It was noon 12 Sahil Bhaiya and Uncle too came but Kanvi was still unconscious. I saw Rama Aunty entering the hospital but before she could see Kanvi I stopped her. She told that she wanted to meet her daughter. Then I told that now she remembered that Kanvi is her daughter when she herself told her to die that time she didn't remembered that Kanvi was her own daughter. She told that I was no one to stop her but then someone slapped her. It was noon other then Uncle he told that I was saying right he also told that he don't want to see her around Kanvi anymore. She is not her mother from now onwards and told her to leave. Sahil bhaiya told the guards to take her away as she was not going and was creating a scene. Lakshay bhaiya too slapped her and dragged her away from the hospital.

It was 6 in the evening and now too Kanvi didn't regained her conscious. Sahil bhaiya asked the doctor why she was not responding. So the doctor told that she herself don't want to live that's why her body is also not responding to the medication. Hearing this Uncle collapsed on the floor but Ketan Bhaiya held him.

From yesterday Ketan bhaiya and lakshay bhaiya are staying in the hospital. How caring they are but we couldn't protect Kanvi.

Sahil bhaiya was just so silent. I can understand what he must be feeling right now.

Doctor came and informed us that Kanvi regained her consciousness. We all were on cloud nine.

Doctor told we can meet her one by one but we shouldn't cry infront of her or her condition will become worst. He told that she regained her conscious but she is critical now too.

So firstly Uncle went but he came within 1 minute and told that he can't see his daughter in this condition he can't face her.

Then Sahil bhaiya went.

Sahil's Pov

I went inside the room and saw my baby sister was lying there like a lifeless body. Many wires were attached to her body. She looked at me with a blank expression on her face. I couldn't control my tears so I came out.

Abhinav's Pov

Then Lakshay Bhaiya and Ketan bhaiya both went together. They came after 2 minutes.

Then I asked Ramesh uncle that can I go to meet her. Uncle told ofcourse beta if she is alive today it's because of you only. He thanked me and expressed his gratitude.

I went inside the room and I became numb for 2 minutes.

Then I sat beside Kanvi and she asked me.

Why did you save me Abhinav??

Why??!! She screamed a bit.

She asked and tears escaped from her eyes. I told that I couldn't let her die. And now she shouldn't cry. It's not good for her health.

I wiped her tears and patted her head and went out.

After this it has been 4 days and Radhika has not uttered a single word.

So I thought that it's her habit to write so I gave her a diary and pen. And told if she wants to say something she can write.

And yes she wrote something but at first she wrote that pls give it to her father or any of her brother as per her request I gave the diary to Sahil bhaiya.

Today my parents came to meet uncle actually they are coming daily because my father can't see his childhood bestfriend suffering so. Uncle suddenly asked my father that he wanted to send Kanvi to Dehradun for her studies and asked my father if I can also go with her. My father thought for sometime than agreed as I was already trying to get into that school which Ramesh uncle told but couldn't get. due to our good grades and uncle's connection we both got admitted to that school within one time. Actually uncle is one of the trustee so it was easy for him.

But I asked uncle why this sudden decision.
So he told that Kanvi wants to go. She also wrote in the diary that if she lived here she won't be able to survive. This time she was saved but if he they wanted her to be alive they should send her somewhere far from here. As doctor recommended dehradun so we decided this.

Now I got to know.

I will give an update today itself. Actually got hurt in right hand so. Sorry. bye take care

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