Chapter 10

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Kanvi's Pov

We were leaving for Dehradun. But Chavi was crying but then I consoled her. And we left for Dehradun. Then we went to board the plane. We sitting in our business class seat and I was working on laptop as they can't handle my empire without me. Ofcourse I'm the creator how they controle it without me.

But while I was doing my work I felt a little pain on my lower abdomen. I tried to complete my work and I did that. Then I was feeling sleepy so I went to sleep. After sometime I woke up with a sharp pain on my abdomen earlier it was bearable but now it is unbearable. I somehow went to washroom with the help of a air hostess. When I reached washroom I lifted my t-shirt a little and saw blood.

O No!!!
Now what it will still take one hour to reach Dehradun. ( Then I asked for first aid and dressed my wound to stop the flood. ) Then I went back and almost everyone was sleeping. Only Abhinav was awake. As he saw me he came near me and helped me to sit. He asked that I wanted something I shook my head.

He was about to go when I felt my t-shirt getting wet from my blood. I immediately stopped Abhinav and was a little hesitant to tell him about my wound as it was in my lower abdomen.

Abhinav's Pov

I saw Kanvi coming I went to her
immediately and helped her in sitting. And asked her if she needed anything. She shook her head. I was about to go when she stopped me. I looked towards her and she was nervous but for what. I asked her softly what happened Kanvi??

She then pointed towards her t-shirt and I followed her finger and saw blood.

What wait!!!

I immediately tried to lift her cloth but stopped remembering earlier incident when she got uncomfortable because of my touch so this time I seeked for her permission.

She nodded her head a bit.

After getting her permission I immediately lifted her cloth and there was blood oozing out from her wound.

God knows why this is happening but maybe because of movements and doctor advised her to avoid moving but here we are traveling.

I then dressed her wound, I can see she is a bit uncomfortable but we can't do anything as everyone else is sleeping. After doing my work. I gave her water. And asked her, is it paining a lot. She nodded her head. Then Sahil bhaiya came out of nowhere. We told him everything and he called Kanvi's doctor he told her that he informed one of his doctor friend about Kanvi and from now he will be looking after her. He also told that after landing they can visit him once. And told not to exhaust Kanvi too much as she is still very weak.

Sahil bhaiya was worried for Kanvi. After sometime we landed and Sahil bhaiya caught Kanvi immediately and helped her in getting off from the plane. She almost got down from the plane but she missed the last step and she was about to fall but I caught her.

And by her expressions we can tell that she was in pain. Her blood started to flow again. Sahil bhaiya told everyone that they can go to hotel as the cars are waiting and he will take Kanvi to the hospital. I too insisted to go. And Bhaiya too agreed as after this I will be accompanying Kanvi for all the check-ups so we went to hospital. And here the doctor was so friendly his name was Rohan. He treated her and told her to rest as much as possible. He also gave his number and told to contact whenever we need his guidance.

After the check-up we went to hotel.

Next day we firstly went to school and was welcomed by the principal and other staffs.

Sahil bhaiya requested the principal to not show the whole school as it was big and Kanvi was not in the state to roam whole school. Principal told that Mr. Kapoor has already informed us about Radhika's health. We directly went to our hostel and room was very nice. The room was one and the facilities were for both of us. So we both were living in a single room as we can't leave her alone.

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