Chapter 4

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Abhinav's Pov

I opened her diary and I was shocked to know that her father was diagnosed with cancer and she was blamed for it. And yesterday her father went for the surgery which took place on 11th Feb. ( 2 years ago now her father is absolutely fine.)

How can they blame her. And she too didn't protested but how could she. She was already so broken. And her family added more.

Recently our school was collecting donations for cancer patients now I got to know why Kanvi was working so hard for it.

Even her donation amount was huge.

And today some people diagnosed with cancer were coming as Kanvi was incharge for there welcome.

When they came our teacher asked Kanvi to welcome them with boutique. But today I saw a different emotion in Kanvi's eyes and that was fear. She feared that cancer patient.

I saw she started shaking but she somehow consoled herself.

But as her guesture was so nice out of happiness that cancer patient hugged her.

Unintentionally only but it triggered her. And she took the permission for going washroom. She was literally sweating and shaking all her works were completely so teacher allowed her.

After I came back to reality I decided to go behind her. I asked for washroom and ran to washroom.

Kanvi's Pov

My condition was getting worse. I just came to washroom. And I realised that I didn't brought my inhaler and now I'm not able to breathe and I was about to fall. But someone caught me it was none other than Abhinav.

Abhinav's Pov

I came to washroom. And the scene infront of me broke my heart.

Kanvi was washing her face. She was crying and was not able to breathe she was about to fall but I caught her in time. She was breathing heavily so I decided to hug her but.

She didn't felt better this time so I got worried. I saw she asking for something but before I could understand she fainted.

Kanvi!!! Get up.

Kanvi's Pov

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head. And I saw Sahil bhaiya I hugged him. After our hugging session I saw my surroundings. I realised that it was my house. I was so confused before I questioned bhaiya he told me.

Sahil's Pov

I got a call from Kanvi's school that she fainted. I rushed to her school. I know she is not taking care of her health but now I'm back and I will take care of her health.

But what happened in school that she fainted. When I reached school I saw Abhinav that boy whom Kanvi helped he was sitting beside her when he saw me. He came towards me told me everything that how because of that cancer patient Kanvi fainted and how she was skipping her meals.

Radhika always had a trauma because of cancer. Because our so called family blamed her for everything. And I was so busy in Bade Papa's (Uncle's) treatment that I couldn't pay attention to her. And I regret it the most.

Now I brought Kanvi home. On the way to home I was how weak and pale she has become and I was a wound on her left arm.
I just ignored it.

We reached home I called our family doctor Kanvi's parents went out on a family function so we are alone.

After sometime Kanvi regained her consciousness. As soon as she saw me she hugged me. After our hugging session she looked at me with questioning look. So I told her not to pressurise her little mind and eat. She said that she is not feeling like eating but I'm also her brother so I made her eat.

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