Chapter 11

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Abhinav's Pov

Kanvi went to complete her assignment in this condition too where she is in pain. O God!!
This girl.

Wait she is known as the topper for a reason.

Than I sighed and went to my bed. Than I called my sister.

I asked how everyone else were doing at home she told everyone is fine.

Than I hesitatedlty asked her about periods, I also asked what things we should do to reduce its pain.

She told me there are mood swings.
We can use heat pads, painkillers, or we can massage too.
We can eat our favourite food, chocolates etc.

After this we talked about some random stuffs and I hang up the call.

Than it was time for dinner so I asked Kanvi to come with me. But she told a straight no.

I tried to protest but she being Kanvi didn't bulge a little.

I went to canteen but I was thinking about Kanvi as she is still weak and on top her periods are also very painful. She has to take medicines too. Than I rememberd Di saying favourite food.

Than I called Sahil bhaiya but I didn't told him about Kanvi's condition as he will get worried and indirectly asked about her favourite food.

He told Pani Puri and white sauce pasta is her favourite.

So I managed these dishes and went to Kanvi.

Kanvi's Pov

God this periods na they they are really unbearable this time.

Now my assignments are completed. I was going to take my medicines.

But suddenly Abhinav entered the room with paper packets in his hands.

He asked me about my medicine status. I told that I'm just taking them.

He told me not to eat them now. I was confused but then I saw him taking out food packets. And it was pasta and Pani Puri..Wow..

Then he asked me to sit and eat.

Though I didn't wanted to deny but I started. But-

He didn't let me finish and told. See Kanvi I know you are not feeling good but you can't skip your meals, see your condition you need a lot of nutrition. And if you will not eat I will call Sahil bhaiya then you can directly talk to him

After hearing Sahil bhaiya's name I just kept mum and went to eat. Really the food was very good. And I was having it after a lot of time because of my health.

Than I took my medicines and went to sleep. After mumbling a small thanks and good night.

Abhinav's Pov

Finally I was feeling so proud like I won a noble prize cause I Made Kanvi eat her food.

Than she told me thanks and went to sleep. I too studied for sometime and went to sleep.

Time skip to mid night

Kanvi's Pov

I woke up with a sharp pain in my stomach.
As I didn't wanted to disturb Abhinav's sleep I decided to go out. I slowly got up from my bed and quietly opened the door and went out it was about 1 o clock.

I was just staring at the moon. How peaceful it was looking but than a sudden cramp hit me hard and I decided to sit.

Wait I can contact that doctor na whatever was his name but I don't have his number wait Sahil Bhaiya is having but if I will call him he will be tensed.

O God!! What my luck.

I can't even take my painkillers. Now tears started to gather in the corner of my eyes. And I didn't knew when they started flowing. Now I was feeling cold outside but it was peaceful too.

Than I heard the sound of door opening and closing.

Abhinav's Pov

I was sleeping peacefully but my sleep got distracted by a dream. Than I looked towards Kanvi's bed and it was empty. I sudden panic rushed in my body. I hurriedly got up from my bed and checked washroom first but no one was there.

I took my jacket and was going out but I was Kanvi sitting on the veranda. I took a deep breath and went towards her.

I slowly asked her what she was going here. But when I saw her face. It broke my heart she was crying.

I knelt down in front of her and I asked her is it paining a lot.

And she nodded her head. Than she kept mum and I didn't knew what to say she than stared at moon it was a full moon night. And it was looking so beautiful.

Than I asked Kanvi to come inside the room. I hold hand but she didn't move a bit she told that she didn't wanted to go inside and also told me to sit in the chair now also worried for others.

We were just sitting silently but this silent was not at all awkward. Than I was that she was feeling cold so I brought her jacket she wore it. But suddenly she winced.

Kanvi's Pov

We were just staring at the moon. I didn't realised when he brought my jacket and I wore it as I was feeling cold too.

But suddenly something happened in my abdomen and it pained a lot. And I winced.

Ahh!! Ouch!!

I just closed my eyes. And bite my lips to suppress the pain but It didn't work. Tears again started to flow from my eyes.

Here Abhinav was also getting worried a than he was about to touch my jacket but he stopped and looked at my direction like asking for my permission. And I blinked my eyes.

He than opened my jacket and lifted my top.

There we saw blood and there was swelling too. And now it was really unbearable.

I asked Abhinav whether he is having Doctor's number he told that he is so I asked him to contact him. And now I was a crying mess.

Abhinav's Pov

I saw how Kanvi started crying and by seeing her face we can tell that the pain is unbearable.

Than I wanted to check her wound so I seeked her permission and slowly opened her jacket and lifted her t-shirt and there we go I was right the pain was not because of her mensual cycle but her wound.

It was bleeding and wait it was swelled very badly.

Than Kanvi asked me about the Doctor and than I called him.

I told him about Kanvi's condition and he was telling me something but my sole concentration was on kanvi as she was cluching her stomach so much and.

Kanvi!!!! Kanvi!!!

She fainted. I tried to wake her up by calling her name but.

Hii guys how are you all doing. Sorry for late update an emergency came in my house so I was unable to update. So Sorry but from now onwards I will give regular updates okay.. so enjoy for now..

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