Chapter 8

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Kanvi's Pov

I blinked my eyes to clear the view infront of my sight. By looking at the surroundings I can tell that I'm in a hospital. But who brought me here.

And why?? Why can't they let me die.

They didn't let me live peacefully let least they can let me die peacefully.

While I was thinking I saw Sahil bhaiya entered the room. I looked towards him. He was looking so pale like he didn't ate anything from days. Without saying anything he left the room.

I know I have hurted them. Please God!! Please Let them know the reason too. I won't live with the guilt. Let them forgive me.

Then Lakshay Bhaiya and Ketan bhaiya came. They both were looking tired too.

They asked how I was feeling, I just blinked my eyes. They too left. Mumma didn't came.

While I was thinking.

I heard someone asking can I too visit her and my father told it's you who saved her it's your right you should go.

Then Abhinav entered so he saved me.

He came near me.

I asked him inspite of all difficulties.

Why did you save me Abhinav?.

Why?? I shouted.

And I started crying. He told he didn't wanted me to die and also told that crying is not good for my health so I shouldn't cry. Then he wiped my tears and left the room.

It's been 4 days I have said nothing. I want to speak but I'm not able to because of weakness maybe.

Today Abhinav came and gave me a diary. He was not looking that cheerful. Now I was feeling guilty for shouting at him. He came and told that I can write what I want to say.

So I wrote that pls give it to my any of the family member.

And I wrote pls send me somewhere far from here I won't be able to survive here please.

In last page I wrote sorry for shouting and asked where is Chavi??

Abhinav's Pov

After hearing to uncle I felt a bit happy as Kanvi will not live in this atmosphere anymore and I will be able to help her as I will be with her.

I went to return the diary.

I didn't said anything and was leaving the room when she caught the fabric of my t -shirt.

She passed me her diary and I read what was written. Tears left my eyes. It was written. " I'm sorry for shouting please forgive me Abhinav."

I looked at her and she was crying silently. I told her.

I have already forgiven you but you will have to promise that you won't take such decisions again and she nodded her head.

You know how scared I was, when I saw you in that condition.

She spoke.

I'm sorry but I was forced to do that you don't know what my mother told me. And I just thought to end everything because with me they all can't live happily

I told.

I know I heard everything and even your Papa and brothers too heard as I was on call when your mother came and my recorder was on so.
But you don't how we all have spent the time when you were not in your sense. So don't ever think that we can live happily without you.

And you promised me that you will tell me everything right then why you didn't.

I didn't wanted to trouble you more.

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