Chapter 9

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Abhinav's Pov

As we sat inside the car. I touched
Kanvi's saree and asked her about the stain.

As I asked everyone's attention shifted to Kanvi. Then she lifted her saree a bit. And there was blood coming out of her wound.

I quickly tried to stop that blood with my napkin but Kanvi stoped me took the napkin. O yes she must have felt uncomfortable. God!! I'm such a fool.

I mumbled a Sorry and she shook her head.

Then Sahil Bhaiya asked. Is it paining Bacche.

Kanvi again shook her head. And told that maybe because of painkillers it isn't paining.

Then we reached hospital and Doctor treated her wound. And told her not to walk and to rest.

She changed her clothes with the help of nurse. And went to sleep as she was tired. We all too went to our homes to change.

Kanvi's Pov

I woke up with a jerk as someone splashed water on my face. It was none other than Mumma.

She told me.
How can you sleep peacefully after ruining my life huh.
I asked her. What did I do??
She said that because of you your father has disowned me and even my mother.
And Even Ramesh wants to send me to jail. And here you are enjoying your life and sleeping peacefully. I regret giving birth to you. You are the worst daughter ever. God knows why you are still alive.

And then she left.

Though doctor told me not to walk but I came out of my room and started walking aimlessly. I reached out of hospital but I didn't care. I was just walking and walking don't know were.

Author's Pov

In the hospital Ramesh Kapoor has instructed all the staff members to not let Rama go near Kanvi. As Rama was leaving Kanvi's room a nurse. Saw her and she called Sahil bhaiya and told her everything. Than she saw Abhinav so she went to him and even told him everything. Now they went to Kanvi's room. But the room was.

Abhinav's Pov

I came to hospital. But a nurse came to me and informed me that Rama Aunty came to meet Kanvi. I hurriedly went to check Kanvi. But as we opened the door of her room. The view infront of me shocked me. The room was empty.

Sahil bhaiya too came to the hospital. I told him that Kanvi is nowhere to be found. We went to check CCTV footage and we found out that Kanvi went out of the hospital. We saw what Rama Aunty told her. It was so hurtful.

God knows what Kanvi must be feeling.

As soon as doctor came to know about Kanvi he came to us and told that she won't be able to walk a lot. And she didn't had her medicines too she can lost her consciousness as well. And if she will not take painkillers it will be painful for her to bear all the pains.

Now we all began the search for Kanvi. All her brothers, uncle along with me went to search her in different directions. Even her p.a. with some people too.

But we couldn't find her.
It was 6 pm. And doctor informed that she must have started feeling the pain.

Sahil bhaiya asked will the pain be unbearable. And doctor nodded.

Kanvi's Pov

O God!!! Where I am. I don't know where I came and by the atmosphere I can tell it is evening. I didn't even brought my phone with me. All must be getting worried. And this pain it is killing me. It's unbearable.

I was walking on the streets and my head was spinning. Suddenly a car came into my direction and everything went black in front of my eyes.

Someone's Pov

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