Chapter 2

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An early update..enjoy

I asked them what happened why I'm here.

And before they could tell anything. I heard that someone is calling my name.

Sahil's Pov

Kanvi's p.a. called me and informed me that Kanvi has been admitted to the hospital along with a boy. And he asked me to come to the hospital urgently.

Right now I entered the hospital and asked the  ward boy about Kanvi Kapoor's whereabout. He told me the directions and I opened the door.

I saw my baby sister was lying on the hospital bed. And her left arm was fractured and there was a bandage wrapped around her head. She was looking so pale.

I called her.


Rohit's Pov

I informed Sahil Sir. And he came to the hospital he was looking so worried for Kanvi Mam.

Abhinav's Pov

Inspite of her condition she asked about me. Now too she is not worried about her health.
What a girl she is..

Then I saw a boy probably of 20-21 years old he came near Kanvi and hugged her. He asked her what has happened? Kanvi told the whole story.

Now Radhika asked me why that group was beating me.

I told them that maybe because I complained about my cycle's condition and they were behind my broken cycle. So they came for revenge.

I thanked her.

Suddenly doctor came and he asked everyone to leave the room as he wanted to check Kanvi. He told me not to roam around but to rest.

Kanvi's Pov

Doctor came and checked me. Now I was allowed to go to my home.

I asked about Abhinav's condition. Doctor told he is also doing better but we have to take care of him.

We reached near my car and I asked Abhinav that he didn't inform his family about this incident. He then told that his family has gone out for a professional trip and their phones are off. Then I asked when will they return. He told after 3 days.

So my brother Gopi ( his nickname that only I can call ) told that his condition is not that good that we can leave him alone. So he told him to come with us. I agreed. After a bit argument Abhinav too agreed.

Abhinav's Pov

Now I and Kanvi both were discharged. Kanvi asked about why didn't informed my family. I told that my family went on trip and they can't be contacted. So her brother Sahil told me to come with them. Kanvi agreed. But I denied.

But after an argument I too agreed I can't go against Radhika she is just too good in giving arguments.

We reached her home. And my reaction was like Wow!!.. I mean her house is too big and beautiful. Wait it isn't a house but a mansion.
My house is big too but her's is just amazing.

Then Sahil bhaiya told me and Kanvi to be seated and one of the maid came with snacks.
Kanvi denied but Sahil bhaiya told her that she was weak and she needs nutrients so she will have to finish it.

After eating Kanvi went to her room. And Rohit Bhaiya showed me the guest room and told me to rest.

Time skip

Author's Pov

It was dinner time Sahil Bhaiya went to guest room and helped Abhinav in walking as he got hurt in leg too.

Then he went to Kanvi's room and brought her down. Then the maid served the dinner but Sahil bhaiya himself sat next to Kanvi and fed her with his own hands.

As usual she was throwing a lot of tantrums.
But Bhaiya managed everything.

Now it was the time for medicines.

Kanvi was too tired to say something so she quietly ate her medicines same goes with Abhinav.

Sahil's Pov

After giving the medicines I asked Kanvi about the school. I mean will she take a leave or what.

Kanvi's Pov

After having the medicines Gopi asked me about going to school tomorrow. I looked towards Abhinav.

Abhinav's Pov

Sahil Bhaiya asked about school. And Kanvi looked towards me. More like she was questioning me.

I nodded my head.

Sahil's Pov

So I know my sister and she will never miss her school so yes she will go to school tomorrow and even Abhinav wants to go.

I agreed with them. But I told them that I will let them go to school in one condition that they will take care of their health.

Kanvi's Pov

Gopi agreed but he and his conditions are nonstop so I agreed without even listening.

Time skip to school.

Abhinav's Pov

We came to school with Shail Bhaiya. I can say that Sahil bhaiya loves Kanvi a lot and she too loves him a lot. We entered our class together our class teacher saw us and she was so worried. She asked what happened with us. I told her everything. I even wanted to go to the principal. Because it's not about only me but about Kanvi too. How can they hurt her.

Kanvi's Pov

School hours were over. Everything went well. Ok so let me tell you all one more secret I am the trustee of my school. So after listening to Abhinav I contacted our school committee as a trustee and told them everything and orderd them to suspend all the students, call their parents and then I will make sure that they won't be admitted to any of the school in our state.

Yes I hold this power.

Almost one month has passed and now we both are doing great our health is also fine.

I met Abhinav's family and they were so sweet. They thanked me and expressed their gratitude.

Abhinav's Pov

I told everything to my family and they wanted to meet me saviour aka Kanvi.

My family met her and they were so glad to meet her. They even told me that how sweet and polite she was. My sister is already knowing her.

But nowadays she is very quiet in class and though she is smiling but I think something is not fine. I will have to find it anyhow. I can't see her in this state

Today our Sanskrit teacher was not feeling well so she told Kanvi to write the questions on board. Yes Kanvi is like our teacher only but the difference is she is just not paid. Hehehe.

Kanvi's Pov

Today in Sanskrit period our sanskrit teacher was not well so she asked for my help and I gladly accepted her request.

Ofcourse we can do this much for our teacher, they sacrifice a lot for us.

So I went to write on board. After some time I finished writing and returned to my place. My teacher was sitting on my seat. She thanked me than I saw Abhinav, he was reading something very carefully.

Oh No!! He was reading my diary.

No No!! I said internally.

Without thinking twice I snatched my diary. Even my teacher was shocked but I didn't cared about her reaction.

So guys this was the second chapter hope you enjoyed what do you think what was return in that diary that without wasting a second Radhika snatched that diary let's wait and watch. I will try to update as soon as possible.
Pls ignore my spelling mistakes. Bye bye. Meet you all soon. Love you.

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