♡𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩♡

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prepare for some angst >:D mweheehhehehehehehe, enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (dont hate me pls)

That was it. The Neverseen were defeated. Keefe frantically looked for Sophie. He started panicking when he couldn't find her. 

"Foster!!" He called out.

"Keefe?" He heard her.

He ran over to a small spot near the rocks. Sophie was sitting against one, pale. 

"Sophie?" He said worriedly.

"K-Keefe, I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Sorry? For what? Sophie, you're hurt!" He noticed the gash on her waist.

"I know, Elwin can't do anything for me." She whispered.

"S-sophie, c'mon, we have too." He said, picking her up.

"Keefe, please!! I knew it was too good to be true, to survive this many times." Sophie stammered.

"Sophie, we can't talk like that, Elwin, he can fix you!!" He stammered.

She had no response.

Keefe leaped her to the Healing Centre. 

"Elwin!!" Keefe cried out, Sophie in his arms.

"Keefe, put her down here." Elwin said, pointing to the cot.

Keefe placed her unconscious body down and held her hand.

"Keefe, I need you to step out." Elwin said.

"No! I'm staying here." Keefe's voice cracked.

"It's really bad, I need you to leave, now." Elwin forced. 

Keefe sighed and walked out of the room and into the hall. Grady and Edaline were waiting out there. Edaline opened her arms and Keefe collapsed into them, shaking with sobs. Edaline hugged him tighter. 

"I-I can't lose her. She's my whole world." Keefe stammered. Grady soon joined in on the hug.

"It's okay." Edaline said.

"I-I can't live without her." Keefe sobbed harder. Keefe eventually fell asleep in Edaline's arms. 

The door to the Healing Centre opened. Elwin stepped out. Keefe jerked his head up. His cheeks stained with tears, his eyes puffy, his usually artfully mused hair, flat. 

"I-is she okay?" Edaline stammered, choking back a sob.

"I think you need to say your goodbyes. She has a 5% chance of survival, she broke her ribs, and shes lost lots of blood." Elwin stammered.

Edaline sobbed into Grady. Keefe stood up, took a breath, and went to see Sophie. He stepped into the healing centre and saw her pale body. It was lifeless, her breaths were shallowed. Her chest barely moving up and down. Keefe choked back a sob. He stepped closer to the cot. He grabbed her hand. He broke down. 

"S-Sophie please. Please! I can't lose you. You're my whole world. You're the only one who cares about me. I-I can't live without you. I don't know how to survive. The moment I asked if you were lost was the best day of my life. I had plans for us Sophie, so many plans. I wanted us to enjoy our time. The Neverseen is defeated! Please keep fighting. Please don't give up. Stay comatose, I don't care, just as long as you're not gone. Please Sophie. Please." Keefe sobbed harder.

"Keefe." Biana's voice cracked. She embraced Keefe in a hug, the two broke into sobs. "Shh." She played with his hair. 

"Keefe, go home. You need to sleep"

"No! I'm staying with Foster!" Keefe's voice cracked.

"Keefe, go home. PLease" Elwin begged. Keefe nodded and leaped home. Ro was waiting for him. Keefe collapsed into his bed and sobbed so hard. He remembered all the times he had with Sophie. From when he asked if she was lost and walked her to the healing centre, to the time when they flew on Silveny. Those were his favorite memories. Keefe loved them. He wished he was a telepath so he could communicate with Sophie. Fitz was busy at the tribunal for his mom and the rest of the group. He was supposed to be there, but he couldn't bare to see the woman who hurt his world. His love. The only person who cared about him.

"Hey HunkyHair." Ro said wearily.

Keefe didn't respond. He curled into a Keefe ball and sobbed till he slept. It was the same cycle for two weeks. Elwin didn't allow him to visit. Keefe would remember memories, then sob, then sleep. And repeat. Ro tried everything to get him to anything. He wouldn't budge. On the 15th day, Ro came in with a weary look with Biana behind

"Keefe, I think you need to go to the Healing Centre." Biana sobbed. Keefe got up and on his way out, he saw himself in the mirror. His air was flat, his eyes were swollen, his tunic was wrinkly, his eyes had bags under them, his cheeks were tear stained. He was almost unrecognizable. Keefe quickly leaped to the Healing Centre. He was greeted by Edaline, Grady, Livvy, and Elwin. 

"Is she, is she?" Keefe couldn't form the words. He tuned everything out. He stepped into the room Sophie was in. She was breathing, and she had color!

"Keefe?" She said hoarsely. 

"Sophie!!" Keefe exclaimed before crushing her with a hug. Sophie hugged him back. Keefe grinned a wide grin. His Foster was alive, she looked pretty bad, but she was alive! Keefe started sobbing happy tears and Sophie soon joined him.

"Sophie." Keefe whispered.

"I love you Keefe." She hugged him.

"I love you so much." He replied, his voice cracking.

"She can leave in a few days." Livvy smirked.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Keefe." Sophie rasped.

"No, I'm staying here, with you." Keefe persisted. Sophie couldn't help but smile.

Keefe laid down on the cot with Sophie and they wrapped arms around each other. His Foster was safe, and that's all that mattered. They fell asleep entwined in each others arms.

"I love you, Keefe." She said before dozing off. Keefe gave her a kiss and hugged her tighter


hey loves!!

y'all, i actually made myself cry while writing this. 🤪🔫 im so proud of my self!! this might be the longest oneshot i've ever written! thank you for 400+ reads!!! <3 im sorry if its kinda rushed, my friend *cough* frankie *cough* rushed me since i was teasing her with small parts. >:D dw, there'll be some fluff coming up, I PROMISE!!!! did i make y'all cry??? ik i made myself cry 😭 im amazing 🥲 ANYWAYSSS!! AHHH I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGHHH!!! thanks so much!! i love y'all smm!! have a great evening/day/afternoon. again, i love y'all!!

sophiescencen ---> out

word count: 990 (exactly) <3

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