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HI BITCHESSSS!!! IM BACCKKKKKKKKK!!!! (explanation time)

ok so, my mom may or may not have banned me from wattpad 😭im only allowed on it to check my notifications during the week. and on the weekend i can be on it for one hour!! so yeah yeah. whatever. ONTO THE STORYYYY

Sophie was walking home from school. Foxfire High was 15 minutes walking distance from her home. The day was cloudy and the vibrant smell of rain was in the air. She was wearing a black zip up hoodie and baggy jeans with her black low top converse. 

Senior year was hard.

She stepped off the curb and walked in the gutter of the neighborhood street she went through. A drop fell onto her nose. Then another. And another.

"This cannot be happening right now." Sophie sighed. A single tear dropped.

It was just one of those days.

The rain began to fall harder and her blonde hair was soon soaking wet. She put her black hood on and walked faster.

"Hey!" A voice called from behind

She sped up, nearly running.

"Hey slow down!" The voice got closer.

She stopped walking and a blonde boy ran up to her, his hands on his knees, panting.

"Wow you're fast." He panted.

"Got places to be." Sophie shrugged. 

"I'm Keefe Scencen." He held out his hand.

Sophie took it.

"Sophie Foster." 

"Now what're you doing out here in the rain?" She asked him.

"I could ask you the same thing." Keefe smirked and Sophie sighed.

The rain was pouring even harder now and Keefe's fluffy blonde hair was dripping wet.

"Walking home from school." Sophie began to walk again.

"Oh same." Keefe nudged her.

"Ah it's so cold." Sophie crossed her arms over her chest.

"I mean I have an umbrella but-"

"You've had an umbrella this whole time?" 

"Hey hey, at least I have one." Keefe held his hands up in defense.

"Here, come under it." Keefe opened the umbrella and spoke softly

"Thanks." Sophie smiled. Her mood perking up slightly.

"Anytime." Keefe smiled. 

The two walked under the umbrella as Keefe walked Sophie home.

~~11 years later~~

"Daddy, why did you give mommy your umbrella?" Calla asked.

"Because she was getting soaked, and I couldn't let her catch a cold." Keefe hugged his daughter.

"But why?" Calla asked.

"Why what?" Keefe looked confused.

"I know dat mommy was getting soaked, but you were so far behind her. Your house was also in da opposite direction." Calla looked into her fathers eyes. 

She was very wise for her age.

"Because she was pretty. And I had liked her for a long time." Keefe glanced over at his wife.

"If your father hadn't done that, you wouldn't be here today." Sophie smiled.

"Mommy is very pretty." Calla admired her mom.

"Very." Keefe and Sophies mouths met, her lips parting.

"Eww!" Calla covered her eyes.

Sophie winked at Keefe.

"Okay time for bed!" Keefe smirked at Sophie.

Oh how she loved him.

"Tank you for da story." Calla hugged her dad.

"Anytime." Keefe tucked Calla in.

Keefe and Sophie stepped out of Callas room and made their way to their bedroom.

Keefe placed his right arm on the wall, pinning Sophie to the wall and they kissed. Keefe's bottom lip touching hers. Their noses brushing slightly. Sophie entangled her hands in Keefe's fluffy blonde hair, wrapping her arms around his neck. Keefe wrapped his left arm around her waste, pulling her closer.

Each kiss slipping into the next. 

When they pulled apart, Sophie noticed Keefe's swollen lips and couldn't help but wondered if hers were swollen too. Keefe's ice blue eyes staring into Sophie's brown, gold flecked eyes. They stared at each other in a comfortable silence. They were safe together. 

Keefe brought his mouth to Sophie's ear.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you more." She whispered back.

"I'm glad I asked you to marry me." Keefe kissed her ear.

"I'm glad I said yes." Sophie smiled.

Keefe kissed her jawline softly. He pulled away and brought his thumb to trace a scar on her cheek. Sophie tightened her grip around Keefe and hugged him. Hugs like this were what reminded Sophie how thankful she was to have him. How thankful she was to have a child and live in their two bedroom home. How thankful she was for Keefe and her's job. How thankful she was to be wrapped in his arms. Love was present, and it was never going away soon. Keefe and Sophie both glanced over at the umbrella on the dresser. The umbrella that brought them together. The umbrella that made their family.





word count: 756

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