♡𝙞 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪♡

352 11 34


grab some tissues, thats all ima say....

Sophie was frantically searching for Keefe. They just finished one of the biggest Neverseen battles and Keefe was missing. She repeated his name over and over.

"Keefe!!" She exclaimed, choking back a sob.

"Foster?" A voice said weakily.

"Keefe!" She exclaimed, rushing over to wear he was lying down.

"Oh my God!" Sophie exclaimed. His head had a deep gash and he had an ever deeper gash around his waist. Blood spooling everywhere. Sophie wasn't sure whether to sob or to gag.


"Sophie please. There's nothing you can do." Keefe whispered.

"No Keefe! There is, I-I can take you to Elwin or-or Livvy." Sophie stammered.

"Sophie please, there really isn't anything you can do." Keefe sighed.

"Keefe please!" Sophie begged. He was becoming more and more pale and his breathing was shallowed.

"Sophie, i'm not worth it." He said.

"KEEFE! PLEASE! You're 100% worth it!!" Sophie sobbed.

"Sophie please." Keefe begged.

"No! I'm not letting you die."

"Yes you are. I tried Sophie, I really tried. But they were to powerful." Keefe said hoarsely.


"Sophie, please, I'm not worth crying over." Keefe said, placing his thumb on her cheek, brushing away a tear.

"Keefe" Sophie sobbed.

"Sophie, I love you." He said.

"Keefe, I love you too, but this isn't over, you're so strong." Sophie whispered.

"Not anymore, I'm sorry." Keefe stammered.

"Keefe!" Sophie pleaded.

Keefe became more pale and stopped responding. Blood continued spooling out, leaving them in a pool of it. Keefe's breathing became more and more shallow. Eventually, it stopped. His chest still, his face blue. He was gone. Keefe Scencen was gone. Sophie couldn't save him. She stayed in silence, watching Keefe. He was dead. Sophie was sobbing. She couldn't save him.


this chapter made me cry sm omg..😭

im so sorry 😔

hehe sike 🌚

Sophie awoke screaming and shaking. She flailed in her bed. She was surprised Grady and Edaline weren't in her room already. Then she remembered they were rescuing a loose Sasquatch in the Forbidden Cities and wouldn't be back for a few days. Sophie's hands were trembling and her cheeks were wet. She looked around her dark room. No one was in there. Nothing was wrong. She sighed but it came out as a shaky breath. Her hands were still trembling and she grabbed her imparter from her nightstand.

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