♡𝙘𝙪𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙮 𝙠𝙚𝙚𝙛𝙚♡(part 1)

353 9 15

thank you @Thegreatmoonlark for the suggestion <3


Sophie and Keefe were setting the nursery up for their baby.

Keefe making Sophie sit down every second since he would not let her to anything or let her go.

They were holding hands while Sophie sat down on the chair and Keefe painted the walls.

"Keefe, I wanna help," Sophie whined.

"No," Keefe deadpanned.

"Keefe," Sophie warned.

"Sophie, you're having a baby. I'm not letting you do anything," Keefe said, still holding onto her hand.

"Keefe," Sophie let go of his hand and Keefed stepped down from the stool and held out his hand.

Sophie crossed her arms.

"Give me your hand," Keefe told her sternly.

"No, you won't let me paint, I won't let you hold my hand," Sophie smirked.

Keefe groaned.

"Sophieeeee," Keefe whined.

"Keeeeefe," Sophie mocked. "See, I can do it too."

"Shit," Keefe muttered.

"Keefe! The baby can hear you!" Sophie exclaimed.

"My bad," He pouted.

"Keefe, if you let me paint two strokes, you can hold my hand again," Sophie compromised and Keefe rose his eyebrow.

"Fiiine," Keefe handed her the paintbrush and Sophie stood up, getting dizzy immediatley.

"Sophie! I knew it!" Keefe rushed over to steady her.

"Keefe, I'm fine," Sophie insisted.

"No, we'll finish this later," Keefe guided Sophie to their bed.

"Keefe," Sophie whined.

"Sophie, shush," Keefe opened the covers and took off her shoes.

"Babe," Sophie sat on the bed.

Keefe ran out of the room, returning two minutes later with blankets and stuffed animals.

"What're you doing with Ella?!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Giving her to you," Keefe handed the stuffed elephant to her.

Sophie blushed and took it.

Keefe crawled into bed next to her and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.

"Keefe..." Sophie trailed off.

"I wanna cuddle," Keefe mumbled.

"What was that?" Sophie smirked.

Keefe looked up at her with sleepy eyes and Sophie rolled hers.

"Fine," Sophie scooted down and Keefe put his head back into her neck.

"Love you," She whispered.

"Who does?" Keefe asked.

"I do," She kissed him.

"Sophie?" Keefe asked.

"Yes, Keefe?"

"I'm sorry,"

"For what?" Sophie's gaze softened.

"Being cuddly," He moved away.

"Love, what do you mean?" Sophie scooted closer.

"I just, I wanna spend as much time with you before the baby comes,"

"Love, c'mere," Sophie patted the space next to her.

Keefe hesitated and moved closer, kicking his feet happily.

Sophie laughed.

She put her arm around his waist and kissed her husbands head.

"Love you," Sophie whispered and she felt Keefe smile against her shoulder.


im so sorry it's short. ive been REALLY caught up with studying for finals :'(

thank you @thegreatmoonlark for the suggestion (it won't let me tag u)


sophiesencen ---> out

word count: 434

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