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hellor loves!! so theres going to be different versions of this oneshot <3 enjoy da fluff !!

tw: panic attacks?

♡𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬 (𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧)♡

Today was one of those days. Like the whole word came crashing down on Sophie. She failed and exam. Sophie and Fitz broke up (a/n, yes sophie, GOOD GIRLLL!!!) She walked extra slow so by the time she got to her locker, everyone would be gone and her tears could escape. On her way to her locker, one single tear escaped and Sophie bit her lip so none more could escape. She put her textbooks in her locker, sighed, and then the tears came spilling out. She sobbed. She leaned against her locker and slid down, burying her face in her legs. The halls that had laughter and chatter were now so silent. You could hear a pin drop. Soon her sobs turned into panic. She didn't know why she was panicking, but she feared it would never stop. She found it very difficult to breathe. She heard footsteps but didn't pay attention because she was trying to breathe.

"Foster?" The voice said. Sophie didn't look up, she knew exactly who it was.

"Sophie, are you okay?" He said, sitting down next to her. She couldn't form words, her brain decided to forget how to speak.

"Focus on my voice, breathe in, out, in, out." She copied him. "Good girl." He smiled. She sighed.

"Keefe?" She whispered.

"Yeah, Foster?" He murmured

"Can I have a hug?" She stammered.

"What?" He asked.

"A hug, I need one." Another tear escaped.

"Of course," he opened his arms and pulled her in for a hug.

Sophie leaned against him. 

"I like hugs." Keefe murmured into her hair.

"I do too." Sophie said, scooting closer.

♡𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬 (𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧)♡

Sophie and Keefe both had a very long day. Sophie had failed a chemistry test and Keefe had just finished football practice. Sophie and Keefe walked to her house. They got upstairs and Sophie plopped down on her beanbag and Keefe plopped down face first onto her bed. Sophie closed her eyes while Keefe was muttered something about needing to have courage. 

"Sophie?" Keefe said

"Yes?" She opened her eyes and looked at him, he looked nervous.

"Hug?" He opened his arms and looked like a 3 year old.

"Did you just ask me for a hug?" She smirked.

"Yes. Hug?" He repeated. Sophie smiled a huge grin and got up from her spot in the beanbag and hugged Keefe. They stood hugging for a while in silence.

"Soph." He whispered into her ear.

"Yes?" She smiled against his chest.

"I love your hugs, they make me feel better." Keefe smiled.

"I love your hugs as well. They make me feel safe." She blushed. The two sat down on her bed and leaned against her headboard, soon enough, they were sleeping, Sophie still cuddling in Keefe's arms. She felt safe, he felt safe. That was all that mattered.


super short snippets, only 500 words 😭 i apologizeee!!!!

favorite scene?

hope you guys are having an amazing dayy!! i used some prompts from instagram and pin :3 enjoy the rest of your day loves!!! baiiii :3

sophiescencen---> out

wordcount: 502

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