02 | WORK

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The aroma of strong brewing coffee makes its way through my nostrils clearing my senses. Oh how I love coffee? Caffeine helps me survive not just because I love the bittery taste but also because it helps me sustain in just five hours of sleep. They say a human requires a solid eight hours of sleep to stay healthy but it is not possible when you are a medical intern or more so when you become a doctor. I couldn't get proper sleep last night because unlike my usual shift where I leave by 10 pm, I had to stay in a few extra hours because one of the interns for the night shift got a family emergency. By the time he could it was 1 am and only then I left. But that didn't mean I could come a little late, I had to report here by 7:30 am as usual. Which means I had to wake up by 6 am again.

I intern at the WeCare Rathod or WCR hospital. We can say WCR is the best private Can't be more proud to be carrying their legacy.

"Aisha can you check the patient who has been recently shifted to room 209 and bring the records to me?" Says Barkha. She is the senior resident I am working under. I'm assigned to specialties by her, anything I do reflects on her. 

"Yes ma'am on it" I say as I start making my way to the room.

"Ting" The next morning, the piercing sound of my alarm goes off waking me from my slumber. I switch off the alarm and roll up in my blanket again. Every morning I reconsider my choice of becoming a doctor. Why did I have to choose a profession where I hardly get any sleep? Then the image of parents comes into my brain reminding me of the reason.

Huffing, I sit straight and stretch my body as a yawn leaves my mouth. After 10 minutes of blankly looking out of the window and procrastinating, I finally make my way to the bathroom. I quickly do my business, take a quick shower and get ready. I take all my essentials before making my way downstairs.

After reaching the hall, I see my dad, Ajay Malhotra, seriously reading the newspaper. "Morning daddy" I greet him which makes him look my way. A wide grin spreads on his face "Morning ladoo, all set?"

"All set" I reply with an affirmative nod "Where is maa?"

Pointing behind he says "In the kitchen cooking breakfast"

"Hii Maa, you need any help?" I ask when I reach the dining room where she is getting everything ready for breakfast.

With a tired nod she replies "Yeah, just go check if Ved is ready. I asked Teju to get her down by now but he still isn't here yet"

Vedant or Ved is my younger brother who is currently in grade 12 and he is planning on taking up AI as his majors in undergrad which is a different path than the rest of us. He is that stereotypical younger sibling who does nothing other than having fun because everything is just given to them. He has gotten the liberty to do all those things that I am even now a little scared to do. Basically he is a spoiled and overly pampered child but I gotta admit that he is brilliant at what he does. I mean his technological skills are impressive.

After checking up on him, I make my way downstairs. Around 10 minutes later, everyone is in the dining room. As we eat our breakfast dad says "So yesterday I got a invite from the Rathods for a fundraiser event, it is on the coming Friday and since your mum and I going to Delhi for the next 10 days, I want you both to attend on my behalf"

My dad is a renowned general surgeon in the country and so is my mom, just that she is a gynecologist. So it isn't a surprise for the Rathods to invite them, in fact they've been invited for many events before this as well. My parents have become quite close with them over the years.

I shake my head in denial "No no I can't go. You know I can't just take holidays like that, I don't even get sundays off"

"I know you are permitted to take a day off every month and since you haven't taken one ever since the beginning, you have accumulated 8 holidays." He retorts making me roll my eyes

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