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"...Together, we have made a difference, and together, we will continue to be a source of hope and healing for many years to come. Thank you for your steadfast support, and here's to the next 25 years of WeCare Rathod Hospitals." Kabir's dad, Rajeev Rathod, completes his speech, erupting the room with applause and cheer.

Kabir, Avinash and I stand at the bar as we watch the event unfold. Fundraising for kids facing cancer is impressive.

"I'm already bored" Kabir says drinking whiskey

"You know it's your event right?" Avinash comments and in response Kabir rolls his eyes. 

Avinash Singh Shekhawat as the name suggests there is a royal lineage in the blood. Mood wise Avinash and Kabir are opposites of each other. Kabir is your fun, playboy, playful and party hard kind of guy. While Avinash is hard headed, focused, brooding and intense. Yet somehow both of them get each other the most. Guess it is true opposites attract each other.

"Well I'm sorry not everyone is as serious as you, yuvraj" Kabir mocks Avinash earning him a middle finger.

Kabir smiles sweetly while patting Avinash's back "I know you want to, but I'm sorry I don't swing that way and even if I did your family won't agree."

"I really sometimes wonder how your brain functions?" Avinash says dryly

Before Kabir could reply anything further he is called by his family and so he excuses himself leaving the both of us behind. Avinash continues having his whiskey and asks "So how long is Shourya planning on staying in New York?"

"I don't know honestly. His family has been trying to get him back but that asshole won't budge at all" I reply. Then I remember that I've not gotten a chance to tell him about the whole captaincy drama.

"Ay by the way I forgot to tell you something important" I voice out and he immediately keeps his glass down and gives all his attention.

"So recently, I've been informed that I may be taking up the captaincy position for the team because Aryaman has decided to step down" His eyes shines in delight as I say.

"Congratulations man! I knew this was coming, in fact everyone knew it. I mean it was just a matter of time. It had to happen anyway. Well deserved" He says, extending his hand to give a hug but I stare at it instead

"That's not it. Hear the most ridiculous part, I can be the captain only if I am a committed man" This time he stares at me like I'm being stupid or as if he heard something wrong.

"What? That's stupid, what are you saying? Run me through what exactly happened."

"So I was called by coach and when I went to his cabin he started telling me about how Aryaman is stepping down and all, then he said there is a high possibility the board might select me but at the same time I also wouldn't be chosen because of the scandal that happened 6 months back" I explain while he listens intently

"The one where you were making out with some girl and I guess you were drunk as well, which was caught by a bunch of media people then it was blasted out on all social media and magazines?" He asks to confirm.

"Yup the one and only"

"Wow. and how does that relate to you becoming a captain?" He questions raising a brow

I sigh, internally cursing at whatever bullshit the coach explains "he thinks if I go sleep around because if anything like that happens again, and during which I'm the captain then it will bring all the unnecessary light to the team."

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