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Advaith's POV

2 months later

As I stand at the crease, the weight of the match rests heavily on my shoulders. The crowd roars around me, their energy palpable, echoing in my ears. My heart pounds in my chest. The tension is thick, almost suffocating, as I stare down the pitch, eyes locked on the bowler. I grip the bat tightly, my palms slick with sweat, and take a deep breath to steady my nerves. Every muscle in my body tenses as I prepare for the impending delivery.

The bowler begins his run-up, his movements fluid and purposeful. Time seems to slow as the ball leaves his hand. Instinct takes over as I swing the bat, the sound of wood meeting leather reverberating through the stadium. In that moment, everything else fades away—the pressure, the noise, the doubt. It's just me and the ball, locked. And as the ball sails through the air, I can only hope that my efforts will be enough to secure victory for my team. I close my eyes and wait for the outcome. I hear the loud cheers and I feel Ayush pulling me for a bone crushing hug. That is when I know we won.

Soon after we celebrate the victory, we start going back to our rooms as we are hella tired. The first thing I do when I get to my room is have a long hot bath and then I just fall on the bed. The sigh that leaves my mouth has never been more satisfying before and in less than ten minutes I fall asleep.

The next day I'm woken up by my annoyingly high pitched alarm, which can either give you a headache or shock. With a foul mood, I get out of my bed because I have no other choice because then I'd be risking my flight.

It actually is not that early in the morning, it's just that I'm dead tired but I'm also relieved we are going home. Speaking of home, my mom was surprisingly neutral about the whole Aisha thing. I honestly have no idea what my mom thinks about her or my relationship. She didn't have any complaints, at least that is a good thing right? Either way she didn't speak about setting me up with any of her friends' daughters ever since. Now that I'm grateful for. My other problem is the captaincy thing, I honestly have no idea. I don't know what to do.

I look at my phone and the first notification I get is a surprise. God knows what odd timing it is for me to find a notification from Aisha. I open the message only to get even more surprised. She asks me to call her ASAP, I even find a missed call in my recents. I immediately called her back.

After a few rings she finally picked the call. In a breathy tone she says "hey"

"Hii, I just saw your message. All okay?" I ask

She confusingly replies "Yeah but not really"

"I don't understand"

"Your mom called -"

"How did she get your number?"

"Let me finish" She chides when I interrupt "Yeah so your sister found me on Instagram and we started following each and randomly yesterday she asked for my number 'cause your mum wanted it. And guess what I'm going shopping with them"

This is not something I can handle without my morning coffee.


She sighs "yeah"

"B-but why how what?" I say flabbergasted 

They never told me anything regarding this, they obviously didn't just miss it to inform me. It is a deliberate attempt not to tell because if they had told me then I'd have obviously stopped them from doing so and the timing is just perfect because I'm away.

"I didn't know any of it, otherwise I would have stopped them. I wouldn't have let this reach you in fact" I add while on the other side I only hear her sigh "yeah I know, but what's done is done. Is there anything I should be aware of?"

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