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There's an awful silence around me. Every step I take echoes in the empty room. I don't know where I am, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what's going on. I walk forward to where there is light scooping into the room. My head is spinning and I'm sweating uncontrollably. Must be because I'm shit scared. When I step outside the room, it's freaking bright. I shut my eyes immediately in pain due to the sudden brightness. I open my eyes and I see that I'm in a market. In a colorfully decorated and happy market. But aren't I supposed to be in the hospital? I look at my wrist watch which shows it is 9:30 am. I'm supposed to be in the hospital, preparing for a surgery with Dr. Anand. We're scheduled for a laparoscopic surgery and I should be checking the pre-ops and studying. What am I doing here? I start running towards the other side and suddenly I feel a hand wrap around my wrist stopping me with a force.

"Things will change. Everything is changing" This small boy tells me. Perplexed, I look at him "huh?"

"Last month I bought the same toy, it looked so different and today it's so small, wearing different clothes" He says gesturing to the toy in his hand. His previous statement sounded rather like a threat and so random. Before I get to say anything at all, it starts raining.

Or does it?

My eyes are wide open, instead of seeing blue cloudy sky, I'm met with a white ceiling? How the fuck is it raining then, because I surely do feel all wet.

"AISHA MALHOTRA BETTER WAKE UP OR YOU'RE IN FOR ANOTHER ROUND WATER" A shrilling voice wakes me up and that is when I realize that the boy, the dark place, the market, the statement, it is all a dream. I sit up on my bed tired and agitated for the way I woke up. I find a very angry Myra, Alia and Akansha staring into my soul "Is this really how you wake up people?"

"And is this really how you wanted us to find out?" Myra speaks first and I swear to god I can feel her raging heat waves touching my body and soul.

"What are you talking about?" I ask while all three of them look at each other with a knowing look. Alia takes out her phone from her bag and a few seconds later she gives the phone. It's a photo that I recognize very instantly, it's from the day I went out with Advaith's family. It happened two days ago, why is the picture coming out only now? More importantly, how did this even get captured? For as long as I remember there weren't any paparazzi's. This was supposed to be a secret. But wait a minute.. How are my friends so sure it is me? Because in the picture only Advaith and his mom and sister's faces are seen. My back is shown where his hand is wrapped around my waist and mine is around his.

"Why are you guys showing me this?" I act oblivious but they do catch on it "Stop lying, you are wearing that shirt for the 50th time, and that is clearly your hand and head. Nothing in the world can fool us, we can identify each other even without seeing the face. You know it" Akansha comments, hinting not to even try.

As it's a new article, I scroll up a little to see the headlines

The most eligible bachelor seems not so single anymore: Cricketer Advaith Deewan is spotted spending time with his mystery girlfriend along with his family.

My hand automatically goes up to my forehead and tangles with my hair in frustration.

"I need to make a call" I drop Alia's phone on the bed, step on the ground and after picking my phone from my night stand I take steps towards my balcony.

"You're not gonna explain?" Myra asks me but I ignore her and close my balcony door. It is transparent so my friends eye me suspiciously from inside, while I dial his number.

"Hello" His raspy voice greets me after a few rings.

"Did you see? The picture and the articles I mean" I don't bother greeting him, I just get straight on point.

Until Forever (#1 Billionaire Series)Where stories live. Discover now