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Aisha's POV

The golden retriever has jumped on him, completely ignoring me. It feels like they are some long lost siblings. The dog isn't really big, maybe just a year or somewhere around it and the way he is right now, he is hyperactive or she, I don't know the gender. I didn't even know there was a dog. There wasn't a 'beware' sign outside.

"You guys are here!" My gaze shifts from them to the chirpy voice, who I'm guessing is Advaith's sister. "Oreo is becoming naughty as the days go by. Wasn't he somewhere in the garden?" She takes Oreo, the dog, from Advaith in her arms and looks between Advaith and I with an ear to ear grin.

"Soo bhai you wanna introduce or wanna wait for another few months?" She asks sarcastically. She does look like the female version of Advaith. The brown eyes, the height, the face structure and not to miss their beautiful genetics of course.

"Right" Advaith claps his hands as he looks back and forth "Meet Aisha" He then looks at me and says "Aisha meet my sister Nitara"

Her grin just wouldn't go, you know. It only increases more than what's possible. "It's so good to finally put a face and name to my brother's girlfriend. I would hug but.." she gestures oreo in her hands "So let's go? Mom is impatient, she might just explode if doesn't meet the both of you."

I return the smile but on the inside I'm freaking out. And I'm just gonna ignore and pretend to have not heard her say brother's girlfriend

We move inside through the luxurious hallway into the living room to find the rest of his family waiting for us, glued to a gadget in their hands. "Look who is here!" Nitara announces and I can feel her happy excited energy. All the eyes are on us immediately and just then I feel Adi's hands slipping between my free hand. I look at him to find him blinking at me for assurance. Immediately he looks back to his family.

I put on a shy sweet smile and the show begins.

We take a step forward "So uh hii, meet my girlfriend, Aisha Malhotra" He states. All their gazes are fixated on me and it really feels weird because I've never met a boyfriend's parents. I don't know what to do or what to say.

"Hii" I say and I move closer to his mom to give her the gift I got them. It's not much actually, just some food and candles and things like that. "This is for you" I give it to his mom and I can see her eyes visibly sparkling. "Thank you, it's so nice to meet you. I'm Advaith's mom, Rashmi" She hugs me and then takes the bag from me to keep it on the couch. "My husband, Rajeev and that's Rishab"

Advaith's dad shakes my hand and his brother nods his head politely. Just from seeing I can say Advaith has gotten his dad's genes, and so did his sister. While his brother is like their mom, who is also beautiful. All three are blessed with amazing genetics.

"Let's have dinner?" His mom asks and the others verbally agree while I go with their decision. His mom and dad walk forward, while we stay behind because I don't know why. I'm not walking because Advaith isn't and nor are his siblings.

I feel some weight on my shoulder, it turns out to be Rishab's "So what did you see in him?"

Not the question I expected. I end up chuckling and before I can answer Nitara pushes him off me lightly scowling at him "Stop trying to charm her" She then looks at me impressed "By the way, good job on the gift. You're getting brownie points for sure, right bhai?"

Automatically my eyes find his, as he says "There's no competition, and Aisha doesn't need brownie points"

The two siblings make some teasing noises and it creeps up to my neck. Just then his mom calls us in, saving me from some embarrassing moments. We make it to the dining room, I sit in the middle of Advaith and his sister, right opposite to his mom.

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