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Happiness. What is happiness? Everyone has a different definition to it. By dictionary definition it is the state of being happy. But what makes you happy? Love, Gifts, people, money, deals, good health and for an intern like me a good surgery. To be a part of a good surgery, to be able to observe and learn even if not being able to actually operate. Once we establish what makes us happy, the next question that arises is to what extent does it make you.

Does it make you happy for an hour, a day or perhaps a few more? Is it enough? And if not, what do we do next? When it comes to learning and surgeries, I am greedy and I'm not ashamed of it. I want more. I need more. I need something that will keep me going. If I get to learn a fantastic surgical procedure today, then I'll be happy today. But tomorrow, I need something more. I need to see what is next? Otherwise I'd die of boredom. On the contrary, when it comes to people, I don't get greedy. I don't expect them to do more. In Fact I don't expect them to do anything at all, because the more you expect them to understand you, or expect them to do something for you, you end up getting disappointed.

It is friday. I'm on a holiday because of that fundraiser party and god knows what is going on in the hospital. But I'm not gonna think too much about it because I've promised my brother and my friends I will take this day for myself to relax and refresh my soul. My brother left for college an hour ago and I'm waiting for my friends to come home like we planned.

The last time I spoke to Sam was 4 days back in the hospital. I got a call from him again but I didn't pick it up, because of on-call duty which basically means a 24 hour shift. Due to the same reason I also forgot about it all together. But when I was checking my instagram messages, I saw a message from him which then reminded me of it. I immediately blocked him on both. I feel kind of guilty as well to block him. I mean I've never really blocked anyone before and even Samarth didn't give me such a reason for me to go to that extent. But right now I can't deal with his sudden interest in dating again.

I lay upside down on my bed just staring at the ceiling while mindlessly curling my hair with my finger. Just then my room's door opens with a bang "HELLO"

I gasp so hard and I feel my pulse reaching the sky. With the panic running in my brain, I roll over my bed without realizing it's the corner, so I end up falling down.

"Ouch!" I wince, closing my eyes and my eyebrows are pinched together in pain. I hear three different laughs which can only mean, my best friends. I open my eyes to find all three of them hovering over with amusement written all over their faces.

"Of course it's amusing for y'all isn't it" I let out an annoyed remark, yet no one helped me. I help myself standing up and then I just sit on the bed.

Forgetting my annoyance, I smile "So how is everyone doing?"

Each of the girls find one corner of the bed and a plush toy, and sit beside me on the bed.

Myra squeals in excitement as starts saying "I'm probably the happiest person on earth, because I've gotten my first solo project. Until now I was always assisting any of the seniors but now I will be handling everything. I will give the orders, I will design the place, I will decide the colors and the furniture. I am the boss" Myra is an interior designer. She's always wanted to become one for as long as I remember.

"Good for you" I eye her bouncy self. I mean she is cheerful but not so much. Well what can we say, it is an exception.

"Ay by the way, what happened to that date of yours?" I ask, looking at Alia referring to the date she went on the day before yesterday. It totally slipped out of my mind as I got super busy with the hospital. I always remembered about it at the most odd times.

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