09 | DINNER - PART 1

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Advaith's POV

There is this song that's stuck in my head. Actually it's less of a song, more of the tune that is stuck. I don't know what song it is, but I heard it on instagram. Humming it aloud makes me look ridiculous, so I'm not even asking someone else about it. I think it's a telugu song, I've heard it somewhere before but I can't remember the movie, the actor or well the song itself. I keep humming the song inside my head on loop, until this small boy approaches me with his mother.

"Hii!" The 13-14 year old boy exclaims through the window of my car "You're Advaith right? THE Advaith Deewan?!"

I'm outside WCR hospitals. It's the day where I'm going to take my girlfriend or fake girlfriend to my parent's home for dinner. Now because Aisha is working, she said she would directly come to the home. But I didn't want to take the risk so I insisted on picking her up from the hospital.

It's not that I don't trust her, because she is helpless and we have a mutual benefit here. So she would have to come and she doesn't seem like a person who would go back on her words. What I'm worried about is my mother, she would ask me never-ending questions which I wouldn't be able to answer.

I step outside my car, with a smile dancing on my lips which makes the kid grin wider. I put my hand forward to shake hands with him "Hi what's your name?"

"Nishanth" He replies while shaking my hand "I'm a huge huge huge fan of yours. I literally watch all your matches, there isn't a single I missed! I love you so much!" he bursts with so much excitement that it is so heart-warming.

I ruffle his hair and hug him "Thank you so much buddy, it means a lot"

His mom passes the kid a notepad and pen for which he says "Can you please give me an autograph?"

I flash him a dazzling smile "Sure of course"

I take the notepad and pen and I sign along with writing a note. After taking a picture and thanking me, they leave. I open the door and I'm about to sit inside but I see her walking towards me.

Wearing a white short kurti along with jeans and sneakers, she carries herself so effortlessly. The long oxidized silver earrings dangle as she takes each step. She probably is thinking something because of which her lips are stretched into a mesmerizing smile, making me smile. As she moves closer and closer, my heart thumps louder in my chest that echoes in my ear. She looks at me in the eyes, and I wipe the smile off my face.

"Hii" She lets out a smile. In return I stiffly nod "Hey"

I'm unable to take my eyes off her. It probably didn't take her much time to get ready but that simplicity is taking my breath away. What is wrong with me? Why am I staring at her? Even though I know we should be in the car, I'm looking at her.

"What's wrong? Is it not okay? Should I change?" her voice pulls me out of my own rapid cycle of thoughts. She looks at herself and down at her clothes making me feel like a jerk. I made her question herself instead of making her feel comfortable.

I nod negatively "No no its- its nice"

"Nice? Meaning it's not good. I can change" she retorts looking down at her clothes and then back at me.

Gesturing with my hands I say "No you don't have to change. You look good. More than just good. It's perfect". Her slightly flushed cheeks cools me down. At least I tried to compliment her even though it happened the way it happened. What is wrong with me today?

I then noticed a box decorated with a net in her hands. I glance at it and then I look at her which she understands and automatically explains without me asking "This is for your family. I'm coming to your home for the first time, that too as your girlfriend-"

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