08 | CALL

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The elevator opens and I find myself wrapped by the breeze like a blanket. Times when I feel like I need a minute away from the fast paced life downstairs where one minute someone is alive and another someone is dead, I come up to the terrace. But fortunately or unfortunately today is not one of those days. I'm meeting Advaith here today, because I finally gave in.

He gave me 2 days to decide, and I did take the 48 hours to do some serious thinking. I even came up to a decision where I chose against his offer, I was about to tell him no until I received a call.

Flashback starts

"Hello, hi Zoya! How are you? How have you been?" I exclaim, Zoya and I were in school together until 10th grade. We were in different classes but somehow we had become really close friends.

She replies with the same excitement "I'm good, how about you? It's been long dude"

"I know right! Anyway, how is life? How is wedding prep happening? "

"Life's good and so is the preparation. I actually called to ask if you are coming to the wedding?"

I furrow my brows "Yea I am, I RSVP'd as well right"

"Yea I know, I just wanted to check because that was long back and then we also moved the wedding dates right, so that's why. Anyway it's great, because the entire 10th batch is reuniting after a very long time. Vihaan, Noor, Saanvi, Akhil, CJ, Mahira.."

Somehow after hearing the last name everything becomes a blur. I'm unable to process anything after it, even though it shouldn't be affecting me so much.

Mahira Basu, my ex-best friend. Saying it aloud makes me cringe. She used to be my best friend before my 3 girls. We were inseparable, we were the ideal best friend duo. We were together for 10 years, but it didn't take her 10 days to break the friendship. She joined another school after 10th, and maybe people do lose contact after changing schools but I thought we were different. I called her, texted her but in return I was seen zoned, I got unfollowed on Instagram and bunch of other things which was very humiliating. Our friendship was broken and I didn't even get closure.

It's not even a huge thing right, I mean people come and go. It's been years and I've made my peace with it but it still hurts a little. I am still reminded of everything. I mean 10 years of my life, 10 years of so many good experiences that I can't ignore. If there is something that I've learnt, then it is that friendship break ups hurt more than romantic breakups.

"Oh and did I tell you Mahira is coming with a plus one" Zoya adds

"Plus one?" I question

"A boyfriend dummy"

"Oh" I pathetically say because that was all I could come up with. "Yeah so much has happened, Mahira has a boyfriend, Vihaan is dating, Noor is about to get engaged. Its sad that you and Samarth broke up, it would have been fun if you were still in a relationship with him"

"Actually I have a boyfriend too" I blurt out

What did I do?

"What!" she squeals out "you are bringing him to the wedding. No excuses!"


"Good. Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye bye"


Flashback ends

If I hadn't picked up the call, I would have been on a safer side. Zoya would have just texted me like a normal person and she wouldn't have blurted things and I wouldn't have impulsively decided on lying. I also wouldn't be waiting here for Advaith, who is late. The terrace could be a little risky place to discuss things because there are people here and anyone could come up. But otherwise it's the best option not only because it is easy for me to get here but also because there won't be anyone taking pictures of me with the oh so popular Advaith Deewan.

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