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Loud music bursts from the speaker of my headphones. Whoever said music and running not just helps in increasing the adrenaline rush in your body but it also releases serotonin and endorphins in your body which in return improves your mood, is a genius. My favorite part of the day is going to the gym. Working out and sweating it all out actually freshens your body.

"Dude stop it" I say to Kabir, my best friend who is busy checking out some random girl walking past us. He rolls my eyes at me as we walk towards the changing room. "Just because you're having this celibacy thing going on and you've stopped hitting on girls, doesn't mean I do too" He says. I respond to his comment by giving him a bored look.

"Right anyway, so this 21st we are celebrating our hospital's 30 years for which I'm sure you would have gotten an invitation but consider this as my personal invite." He says which amuses me

"From when have you gotten so serious about the hospital"

A lazy smirk spreads across his face "Are you kidding me? Open bar? Women? Why wouldn't I like it"

A hearty laughter erupts from my throat "of course, how could I forget?"

Kabir is probably one of the biggest manwhores I've known. He is a womanizer, a proud one I may add. Apart from being the top of that game, he is also brilliant while doing business. We met through my other best friend, Shourya who has known me since school. Shourya went to Columbia for his undergrad while I got drafted for under 19. So whenever we met, during those 4 years, I met Kabir and Avinash. These two came back at the end of 4 years but Shourya stayed back in New York.

Now back to business, Kabir Rathod is the next heir of the WCR general hospital and they are organizing a fundraiser event in the honor of their 30th anniversary. I check my calendar on my phone and indeed Shilpi did add on my things to do for Friday.

Soon, we exit the gym and part our ways. I first go to my apartment and change quickly into my sports clothes. After having a quick breakfast, I leave for practice. Around 10, I make it to the field where all the boys are stretching around, talking in groups while waiting for our coaches to come. Leaving my kit on the ground along with other player's kits I jog towards Zayn and Ayush.

Both of them were laughing and giggling like school kids making me weirdly eye them "Why do you guys look like you hit a lottery?"

"It was better than a lottery" Says Zayn, making me curiously frown and Ayush follows up, answering my question "Imraan busted Sahil's ass. Apparently, they made a bet last night when they went to a bar. It seems there was some argument between a girl and a guy and Sahil bet they were a couple. Don't ask me why in the first place. But anyway, it turned out that they weren't a couple, instead the girl was the guy's best friend's girlfriend and they were having an affair."

"How is that funny?" One corner of my lips lift diagonally as I ask while they nod their heads while laughing. "The best part is that the girl's best friend was doing her boyfriend and they were literally making out in front of them. And the actual couple partners didn't say to each other that they were going to that bar in the first place. So the best friends also didn't tell each other. God however fucked up that shit was, it was no doubt hilarious to watch and hear the scene unfold"

It does sound pretty hilarious but my amusement kind of washes out the moment I hear couple and girlfriend and all terms relating to dating or relationship. I have only 5 more days to find my nonexistent girlfriend.

"Advaith!" Zayn shakes me off my zone "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing, just about the things to do" Not a lie. I do have to find a solution to my problem. "Alright, so there is an awesome party at a club nearby, do you want to go tonight? We'll have some drinks and chill and if you want you can call your friends also. It's been quite a while since we met" He continues saying but I brush the thought away

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