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"He's in V-fib, starting CPR"

"Grab the paddles, charge to 200."

"Charged. Clear"

"Charge to 300. Clear"

"Push another epi. Charge to 360. Clear"

With a long beep, the room goes silent.

"Time of death 16:27"

Another patient died. The first time my patient had died I was devastated. It wasn't someone close to me but witnessing someone die in front of you on the table after trying everything in your power is terrible. I'm just their doctor who has known them for merely a few days but what about the family who has been with the person for their life. How will they get over the loss of their person? How would they be moving on from it?

After finishing the procedures for the patient, I go to the front desk to finish up all the documentation. I lean on the desk, with the support of my left hand as I write the details when I feel a pat on my shoulder. I lift my head up to find Kabir Rathod, the heir of the hospital, standing with his cheerful smile.

"Hey baby girl" He says and it automatically brings a smile on my face

"Stop calling my baby girl and hi" I go back to writing while he says "Not a good day huh?"

I bob my head "lost a patient"

He loudly sighs "That's sad"


He fiddles with my watch like a five year old kid "So when did you leave the party, I didn't get to see you before you left"

Kabir and I have known each other for all our lives because obviously our parents worked with each other. So when we were small we spent a lot of time in daycares, he is two years older to me and the only guy I could ever relate to back then. But as we grew, we got into our own lives and lost contact with each other.

"We actually came by to meet you but you were busy with other guests so we left" I reply

"Ahh" he stretches out "I re-" He gets interrupted by someone drawing both our attention "Hey man!"

Kabir hugs the dude "Heyy you're here! What about Avinash?"

Once they pull out I get to see a proper view of him and oddly I feel like I've seen him somewhere. Not that I recognize his face, but something about his voice tells me that I've heard it before. Okay maybe I do feel like I've seen him somewhere but I've got a gut feeling for his voice.

"Aisha!" Kabir calls me breaking my gaze over the mystery man. I look at Kabir with raised eyebrows as he speaks with a grin "He is Advaith, my best friend, I'm sure you've heard of him"

Ah now the dots get connected. Must be the same Advaith I met in the party, in front of whom I ranted everything out and now I'm sure I look like an annoying chattery girl and for the love of god don't tell me he told Kabir about it. Please god!

"Wh-" I clear my throat "What do you mean I know him?" I look at Advaith first who looks at me with a small smile, not like a polite nice to meet you officially smile but more like you're the five year old girl who can embarrass herself at any given time kind of smile.

I look back at Kabir as he casually replies with a proud smile "Advaith is the best cricketer the world has ever seen"

One of Kabir's problems is that he over brags everything he says, so maybe Advaith is a good cricketer but when there is Sachin, Dhoni and Virat, no one can be the best. I'm a huge cricket fan, all of us at home would see the matches on TV but with med school and now the internship I've not seen cricket for a very long time. I've tried getting snippets from when Ved watches or when it is screened at cafes but that's rare. Maybe that's where I saw this Advaith guy. The other day I couldn't see him because of the mask he was wearing.

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