07 | WAIT

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Advaith's POV

I've been waiting and waiting. For about 3 hours, 27 minutes and 49 seconds I've been waiting for a girl I don't know anything other than her name and profession. Sometimes when you are in the most difficult or confusing situations, no solution seems to be a fit. After a long search, when you are about to give up you suddenly have a way out. Even with lots of thinking and processing, it doesn't entirely make sense but that is the only that makes at least fifty percent sense. So yes I'm choosing that option, I'm willing to take the risk.

Avi's idea kind of makes sense. Getting a fake girlfriend is an easy way out. Mom's happy, coach is happy, the board is happy and everyone is happy. Now the next question is who? I may be out of my mind but at this moment Aisha seems to be the perfect fit. She has a problem I can fix and in return she can help me fix mine. It's a simple transaction. But the real deal is for her to agree to this.

I end up waiting for another 20 or so minutes in the hospital lobby for her to come. A guy in light blue scrubs, the same as Aisha's, walks in the lobby and approaches a middle aged man who is sitting along with his two children. I can't hear the words but by the relief and happiness on their faces I can confirm it's good news. The doctor must be an intern too, because I've seen Kabir's dad wear dark blue scrubs.

Before the guy leaves, I stop him "Hi excuse me"

He turns to look at me and I guess the realization of my profession brightens his smile even more "Hi I'm Dr. Ahuja, are you waiting for someone?"

"Yes I'm waiting for Aisha"

He furrows his brows "What surgery is she going through?"

I shake my head "I mean Dr Aisha, she's interning here. Do you know when she is getting off work?"

Suddenly something in his smile shifts "I'm not sure actually but can I take a message for you"

"No, that's okay, she asked me to wa-" I'm interrupted by another voice "You've been waiting"

Both of us turn our heads to see Aisha who is now all cleaned up in her own clothes along with her bag and keys and phone in her hand. Would it sound too creepy if I say she looked so good in her scrubs?

"Yeah you asked so I did" I reply and she looked a little surprised to see me here until now.

She looks at her phone screen in disbelief and shows it to me "You know it is 10:35 pm right?"

"Believe me I'm aware since, I've been waiting for you to come" I comment before either of us can comment anything more, I hear someone clear their throat and it's Dr. Ahuja.

"Aisha you know him?" He asks her and she says "Yeah kind of"

They have some sort of eye conversation and I see him raising his brows. She then suddenly starts saying "Right so this is my friend Laksh" I politely shake my hand with him

She continues looking at me "And that's Advaith"

"I know," He says, which only makes her roll her eyes.

She stares at him for quite some time before he leaves "Right, nice meeting you"

"I didn't think you'd wait" We start walking towards the car parking "I was serious when I said I might have a solution"

"I don't understand why you are so invested in this?" she ask frustratedly

I say calmly "Just listen to me once"

We look at each other for a good few minutes. I don't budge even a little which makes her sigh before giving in "Fine make it fast"

"Be my girlfriend, fake girlfriend" She starts laughing. Laughing loudly. Because who would propose to someone to be a fake girlfriend?

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