11. self control

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Following lunch or whatever meal it was that we had mid-air, Minho and I decided to get in a few hours of sleep. It's not like we had much on-flight entertainment, anyways.

There was a double bed, like the fancy ones you see in business and first class. We changed into comfortable silk pajamas before diving into the comfort of the mattress. Minho looked really tired, judging from how he pretty much fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

"Good night," I tell him, knowing very well it was still bright outside. He mumbles the same.

Just as I was about to shut my eyes, I feel his arms wrap around my torso and pull my body towards him, making me feel warm and cozy.

"Already taking on the husband role, I see?" I tell him teasingly, though I was secretly enjoying it. My smile was hidden to him only because I was facing away from him.

"You're only going to have one honeymoon, so might as well accept it while I'm still trying to be romantic," he sasses back.


"Woah, this place is HUGE," I remark upon seeing the size of the rented luxury villa. Apparently the ones surrounding us were also rented out for privacy and security reasons. I'm starting to think Minho's mom had some wild ideas about us while planning this trip.

"I've loaded all your luggage inside, your majesties. Enjoy your stay!" the bellboy says. Behind him were a few guards who had gone in to do one last inspection before letting us in.
Jeongin, the head guard from my home, gets out last. I see him stifle a laugh.

"What's so funny?" I ask him jokingly. We've crossed paths a few times before, but I think he was still a bit intimidated by Minho and I.

"Oh-uh... I just remembered a funny joke my wife said! I'm sorry, I'll take my leave now" He says with an awkward laugh, before excusing himself and leaving Minho and I alone.

"You're not even straight, why the hell would you think of a "wife"?" I hear him mumble to himself, giving me something to laugh about too. Minho gives me an odd look.

"He looks really young to be married," he remarks, making me laugh even more. Jeongin resembles a child sometimes, so him being married did seem kind of unbelievable.

"Ah whatever, let's take a look around the place. It looks quite fancy," I say and he nods in agreement. There was a living room of sorts connected to a balcony, which had a long pool and some beach chairs next to it. Emerging from the same balcony was a stairway to a lower level, which took us directly to the beach. Sweet.

The part of the villa which left the two of us in shock the most was the bedroom, though. There wasn't anything extraordinary about it, judging by royal standards, but the way it was presented sure did leave us flustered.

The bedding set had a white and cream colored theme going on, and the quilt was decorated with red rose petals forming a heart shape. As if that wasn't enough, there were a few packs of condoms on the bedside table, and that was all it took to set my imagination running wild. My thoughts were starting to get crazier with each progressing second.

"We should, uh, probably get ready for dinner, yeah?" He says quickly, scratching the back of his head, trying to hide his flushed face. Since I didn't have anything valuable to say, I quickly nod before dashing out to the living room. I needed to change my clothes. And my thought process.


I thought that I'll have a meal before freshening up. I know I had a meal a few hours back, but I was so hungry after a long day of travelling. I decided to order some pizza for the two of us while Minho went to freshen up. Apparently our meals were to be freshly cooked by three star michelin chefs, so I was really looking forward to having good food.

Our room service and dinner came right in time for Minho's exit from the bathroom. He was wearing a plain black shirt with a pair of grey sweatpants, but GOD did he look so good in it. I didn't think that this trip would turn me into such a simp.


Hyunjin and I talk about this and that as we have dinner. Till now, everything has been going smoothly, besides an interruption by my mother's "emergency" phone call. She wanted me to proofread some document before showing it to the ministers, though she had the full power to authorize it herself at the moment. She felt bad about asking me so soon, but I let it slide because it's my duty as a king to take responsibility for important matters. I quickly wrap up dinner, feeling slightly bad for Hyunjin. I wanted to get this done with as soon as possible. If Hyunjin planned on having a good time here, I'm not going to be the one to ruin it.

"Minho~ let's go for a swim~" Hyunjin's voice echoes in the room as he hops his way inside. It had been a while since I came here, so maybe he was done with dinner and got bored. Though I didn't share eye contact with him, I could feel him look at me confused— why the hell would I be carrying out royal duties while on honeymoon?

"What are you reading?" He asks, hovering behind me. He smelled of vanilla, one of my personal favorite scents. People who smell like vanilla somehow get ten times more attractive to me, so I guess you could say that I got lucky with him.

I push back my reading glasses, adjusting myself on the corner of the bed before flashing my phone screen to him. I was almost done reading the document, all I had to do was send a message of approval to my mother. At least that's what I thought I'd be doing.

"Come on, I'm boreddd," he says as he pokes my arms. I finally look up to his face, and when I tell you I lost my entire train of thought I mean it. I didn't realize it, but I had been working long enough for Hyunjin to get in and out of the shower, judging from his wet hair. Though this is a sight I see almost everyday, I couldn't help but gawk for a moment. This man was simply sculpted to perfection and I just had to do something about it.

Some part of my head was asking me to be rational and finish off my work quickly, but that usually never ends well. I snap out of it, and get back to reading.

"I'll join you in a few. You can go on," I tell him, making a mental note to not look at him or I'd lose my progress in getting any work done. I desperately needed a lesson on self-control.

He pokes me again. "That piece of paper can wait, I can't," he says, inching close to my neck again. He was so close that I could feel his breath fanning on my neck with each exhalation, and I wasn't sure I could hold back much longer.

"Stop. Don't do that," I tell him, my voice getting much deeper.

"Or what?" He challenges me.

"Or I'll kiss you," I give him a final warning. I was very much serious about it because he was driving me nuts.

"Really?" He asks with so much hope in his voice, and I couldn't help but think that he wanted the same thing I did. He starts nudging me again, and that was my last straw. I exhale before tossing my phone to the desk next to me, unbothered about where it lands.

I turn around to face him, finally taking in his entire look. I gulp. He was wearing a white button on shirt with black pants, and god did the wet hair elevate the simple yet sexy look.

"You're so desperate, aren't you?"

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