15. in the pool

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"What if someone sees us and says something?" I whisper. The full moon was shining splendidly in the dark night outside the French windows, perfect for a secret midnight rendezvous. Jisung and I were currently in the kitchen because I was craving a snack and wanted to make something.

"Then I'll chop their tongue off so they can't utter a word about us," he replies. Is it bad that I found his words insanely attractive?

"Easy, tiger. We're here for brownies, not bloodshed," I laugh.

"I have no guarantee that the brownies won't look like a war zone if I help to make it. Did you know I won an award in my hometown for being the worst cook? I'm starting to think that the competition was a subtle way of telling people to stop going near the kitchen."

"I think it's better for our tummies if you just fetch me the ingredients, then," I say, handing him a list of the ingredients. It was kind of thrilling to have the kitchen all to myself with no disturbances, except for the constant screeching of crickets outside. And the clattering of pots and pans as Jisung tried to find the right baking tray, of course.

Once all the preparation was done, all that was left was to mix. Jisung had made himself comfortable on the countertop, happily humming and reaching for the bowl. It was a complete contrast from the badass bodyguard image he kept in front of outsiders. I giggle at the sight.

"What? I think I'm capable of mixing the batter at least without burning down the palace," he says in defense.

"You're cute."

"Says the one who's wearing Hello Kitty pajamas."

"Says the one who's swinging his legs like an anime girl," I say, pointing at his legs dangling off the countertop.

"Says the one-"

"Gotcha." I dip my finger in the batter and boop his nose, leaving a chocolate imprint on it. It looked like he had a dog's snout now.

"Felix you brat, if I didn't like you you'd totally be on the floor right now," he says, jumping off the counter.

"I think I'd prefer that."

"Oh really?" He smirks, and in one swift motion my back softly hits the ground and he's on top of me. Do I have some weird kink for whatever this is? Maybe. He inches closer to me, the batter on his nose almost touching mine till we get interrupted.

"What the hell is going on here?" The voice booms. It was my father. We immediately separate like an invisible boundary was drawn between us, both looking away as if nothing happened.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I thought there was an intruder and tackled him to the ground," Jisung bows. I'm amazed at how fast he came up with such a good excuse.

"Shouldn't you alert the rest of the guards if you noticed suspicious activity?" He asks sternly.

"Well- I- he was right in front of me and I had to catch him before he could get away."

"How could you not recognize a royal? You could have attacked him and done something serious to him." My father could make an excellent career in criminal interrogation with the way he talked. He couldn't trust the King's bodyguard, for goodness sake!

"My deepest apologies, my Prince," Jisung says to me, secretly sending me a wink as he bows down. "I'm so used to seeing him dressed so grandly that I did not recognize him in these pajamas."

Dad believes him for a moment. I needed to know how Jisung was so good at impromptu questioning. He then turns to me.

"Very well then. Felix, go find yourself some decent pajamas next time. I don't know what you're doing here, but wrap up soon," he says, turning around to leave. Just as we heave sighs of relief, he turns back again.

"Wait." Our breaths hitch. What now?

"Why do you have chocolate on your nose?"

"Ah, that's my fault!" I quickly pipe in before it looks too suspicious that only Jisung is speaking. "When he tackled me I was tasting the batter, so it rubbed on his nose."

"...Okay. Stop wasting time and go sleep fast," he says, leaving the kitchen.

"You like it when I call you my Prince, don't you?" Jisung says, sporting a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Can't say I don't like my lover calling me exactly what I am, can I?"


I emerge from the water as I finish another lap in the pool, the familiar smell of chlorine hitting my nose again. It was pretty relaxing after having a stomach full of lobster and blueberry cheesecake and nothing to burn it on. Hyunjin sits on the other side looking at his phone, his legs inside the pool up to his knees.

"You've been dipping your legs in there for enough time already. Come on in," I say, waving my hands and gesturing to enter the pool. He shrugs and I swim towards his side, tugging his legs and threatening to pull him in.

"NO WAIT-" He shrieks and throws his phone into the unknown by reflex as I hold his feet and pull them. He brings his head up from the water, sweeping his hair back with his fingers to drain out the excess water from it.

"Why don't you ever give me a day of peace? I'm all wet and sticky now," he complains, flapping his feet in uniform intervals to keep up with my swimming pace. I reach the end of the pool and he corners me with both hands on either of my sides.

As Hyunjin gets closer, my eyes involuntarily flutter shut. When I feel the cool breeze of the night air kissing my face instead, I slowly crank them open to see him hopping out of the pool and running away. I immediately step out of the pool and get on my feet to chase him, making him run faster. 

I slip on the pool water dripping down my swimming trunks as I go after him, making me reflexively reach my hands out to grab his arms and pull him down with me. He was now on top of me, hands all over my bare chest.

"Finish what you started," I say, breathing hard.

"That's not the way you should be talking to your husband, is it? Ask nicely," Hyunjin says sweetly, hands sensually tracing the lines on my chest as he rests his chin on it and stares at me. To say his touch was making me go crazy was not enough to describe what I was feeling. Something about him being commanding was...exciting me.

"...Please," I say, no dignity left to spare for the majestic figure in front of me. He peels off the wet t-shirt sticking to his body to reveal his glorious form and moves the strands of hair which were falling in front of his eyes.

"That's more like it," he smirks, attaching his lips to mine and hungrily kissing me. I kiss back with the same passion as he holds my jaw for better control. I hum in satisfaction as he bites my lip and enters his tongue inside, both of ours fighting in a battle of dominance which he wins.

He ghosts my lips to bring his mouth to my jaw, kissing down my Adam's apple. I was a panting mess from the make out. My arms snake around his waist, stroking his skin as I let him do his thing.

"Fuck, Hyunjin," my eyes roll back and I groan in pleasure as he reaches my collarbone and sucks on my sensitive spot. He leaves marks everywhere without missing an inch of skin, leaving sloppy wet kisses down my chest and abs. There was a different glint to his eyes today, something so greedy which he had been holding back all day. I direct his hands towards the waistband of my shorts, giving him consent to do as he pleases. I was about to find out what kind of devil he would unleash in bed tonight.

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