12. a limp loser

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"You're so desperate, aren't you?" Minho asks, and I reply only with a shameless, goofy smile.

Maybe I am desperate, and I will accept it just this once. Only because I was feeling particularly needy today.

Minho smirks. He removes his glasses in a swift motion, scanning my face before grabbing it with both his hands, finally closing the gap between our lips. I kiss back just as hungrily— I waited for this for long enough, and I wasn't going to let some stupid document come in my way.

He pulls away and looks at me for a second, adjusting the position of his head before reconnecting our lips together. My hands automatically make their way to his hard chest, slowly snaking up to his neck. I tug on the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to me because really, I wanted every bit of him that I could possibly get.

He stops kissing me again, trying to catch his breath. I mirror the same action, my forehead still touching his. He flashes a mischievous grin, which I was sure was meant to make fun of me.

"Don't you dare tease me," I say as I climb onto his lap, adjusting my arms around his neck. He rests his arms on my thighs.

"What if I want to? Isn't it more fun that way?"
He looks up at me and teases. I fake a ticked off expression.

"One more word and I'm walking out of here," I threaten him, though, let's be honest, will I really do that?

"As if you're strong enough to resist me," he says cockily. I hit his arm.

"Oh, just shut up and kiss me!" I whine as he laughs again. I wanted to take control since I was on top of him, but seeing how he was acting, I think I want to be manhandled by Minho today.

He reattaches his lips on mine and I feel one of his arms snaking around my waist. He pulls my hair with the other arm, causing me to part my mouth a little, giving his tongue access to mine. I let out an unholy sound.

Since I was on the receiving end of teasing till now, I decided to change things up a little bit. Smiling into the kiss, I let my fingers explore the skin hidden behind his shirt. I slowly, menacingly trace along the lines of his well-built abs with my fingers, and he falters for a second, letting out a soft, breathy groan.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask him as though I didn't know what I was doing, with an overconfidence boost that came out of nowhere. He rolls his eyes.

"You wish," he scoffs before switching our positions. My back was now pressed against the mattress, shoving away the rose petals with one hand. He hovers on top of me, and I was now completely powerless front of him. I look into his eyes before I realize something.

"I want more," I say before thinking. If normal, conscious Hyunjin heard what I said right now, he'd have fainted. All this sexual tension in the air was making me crazy.

"Come again?" Minho asks for clarification.

"I want to go one step further," I repeat, still maintaining eye contact. His eyes were almost hypnotizing, but in a way so beautiful that I couldn't possibly put it in words.

"Are you sure?" He asks me for confirmation, and I nod in reply.

"Use your words, baby," he says, and that's all it took for me to fold. That sounded so hot coming from him.

"Yes, I'm sure I want this."

"Good, because once I start, I won't be stopping anytime soon," he says, bringing our lips together again. I feel him bite my upper lip, and at the same time I feel his fingers fiddle with the buttons of my shirt, struggling to get them off. I find myself facing the same problem in taking off his shirt and I get up.

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