4. a decent dish

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"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" Felix asks. I had run into him on the way to my room.

"I accidentally slashed Hyunjin's leg while we were fencing," I say, looking down.

"You sure you didn't do it on purpose?"

"Hey! I have some humanity in me, okay? I wouldn't do that," I say in defense.

"Of course, of course. Where are you off to then?"

"I'm getting something for him to change into. His pants are completely bloodied."

"Ohh~," Felix says, wiggling his eyebrows. "So you're telling me you're getting a set of clothes for Hyunjin to change into by yourself when you could've just asked a maid? That's suspicious."

I dismiss his words, walking past him into my room. I go back to the infirmary with the clothes and I'm about to step inside when I accidentally overhear Hyunjin and Jisung conversing.

"I know you wanted to have that beef Wellington tonight, but for now let's just focus on your recovery, okay? Let's have it together once your leg is completely fine," Jisung says in a comforting voice to a sulking Hyunjin. I knock on the door, immediately being received by the bodyguard.

"Please give these to Hyunjin," I say, leaving the place before he could respond. I had a plan.


"I'll take a quick bathroom break, be right back," Jisung says as he rushes out of the room. My stomach gurgles. I had skipped having dinner with the others because I wasn't that hungry, but after my nap I was really craving some good food.

As if on cue, the door opens again. I peep at the entrance and wonder why he was back so fast. Unexpectedly, Minho walks in instead of Jisung, pushing a food trolley with a few dishes on it. I raise an eyebrow in question.

"I know this isn't much, but I heard you talking about having beef Wellington earlier with Jisung and-" he starts, before my dumbass decides to cut him off.

"Oh no, you made the poor chef's work extra to make this? Won't they be off duty by now?"

"Hey, what do you think of me? I made this myself!" He says with a whine. I didn't know he was capable of acting childish, but it was a fresh sight indeed.

"For real? I'm impressed," I say as he sets the plate in front of me. I bite my lip, looking away.

"You want me to cut it for you, don't you?" He asks with a grin, and I nod sheepishly. I watch the veins on his arm move as he cuts the beef into smaller pieces, not even realizing that one had already gone into my mouth. My eyes widen from the flavor.

"Wait, did I just let you feed me?" I wonder out loud.

"Yeah. You seem to have a not so hidden infatuation with my veins," he says, and I have to cover my ears from how red they turn. My eyes are such traitors. I didn't know I was that obviously staring at him.

"How is it?" He asks.

"I'm going to need to try another piece to decide that," I say cockily. I look at him expectantly till he gets the hint.

"Oh, so you want me to feed the rest to you? You're clearly enjoying this," he says with a smirk.

"No, this is your punishment," I reply as he stuffs a forkful of beef and vegetables into my mouth.


I wanted to tell him that it was better than the one which I was intending to eat, but after embarrassing me like that I didn't think he deserved that satisfaction.

"It's...decent," I say, and he looks confused. I realize that he didn't get that I was joking.

"It's so decent that you're going to be making me dinner for the rest of my time here to show how sorry you are."

"You can just say you like it like a normal person, you know?" Minho rolls his eyes, laughing at my choice of words.


"There's not much time left for the wedding and coronation, so you need to hurry!" My advisor and friend, Seungmin, says as we get out of the car. I was on my monthly visit to the village orphanage, except for this time Hyunjin was with me.

"Try not to terrorize the kids," I tease him.

"What do you take me for? I'm very good with kids," he replies, smiling and waving at the kids approaching us.

We play with the kids for a while and I'm pleasantly surprised to find that Hyunjin, in fact, was pretty good with kids. I take a moment off to take a bathroom break, and I return to an unusual sight.

"Will you stop crying if I do aegyo?" I watch from behind as Hyunjin asks a little girl who was sobbing. He was crouching so that he was at eye level with her, wiping away the tears that flowed out of her eyes.

Hyunjin does a cute pose and the girl smiles, all signs of sadness instantly fading away. I feel warm inside and I accidentally let out a coo. He sharply turns his head, mortified to find me standing behind him.

"How long have you been here for?!" He asks, panicking.

"Long enough to know that you're good at acting cute."

The whole day went by in playing with the kids and giving advice to the older teenagers. As obnoxious as I thought Hyunjin was at first, he was really good at getting them to open up and talk about their feelings.


Thunder was not on the forecast today. I was already tired from the long day and it wasn't helping me at all.

I am currently sitting up on the bed like a pathetic loser at 2 in the morning because I can't sleep when there's thunder. I think for a while, wondering if I should put on some music to drown out the noise of the heavy storm outside.

"What are you doing? Can't sleep?" I suddenly hear from the side, realizing that Minho was half-awake.

"I'm...scared of the thunder," I reply sheepishly, expecting him to poke fun at me. I doubt he was listening, though. He seemed to be in a deep slumber.

Unexpectedly, he pats the bed on the spot right next to him. "Come here."


He yanks my arm, pulling me down next to him and wrapping his arm around my waist so that he was snuggling me. I get surprised at the sudden action.

"Go to sleep," he says groggily, before drifting off into dreamland again.


"What do you think?" Minho asks, stepping out from behind the curtain to reveal his wedding robes. I become speechless at the sight. Maybe it was just what happened last night, but I was starting to see him a little differently and it was bothering me.

"What? Nothing to say even about my veins?" Minho makes a snide remark at my silence, referring to his exposed arms which I definitely did not find attractive at all.

"That was one time!" I say, defending myself. Sometimes you can't control where your eyes go, okay?

He changes back into his normal clothes after making sure his fittings were done right, and then came my turn. I change into a similar set of heavy robes and walk out. I raise my eyebrows, anticipating his reaction.

"You look hot," he says plainly after closely eyeing me from head to toe.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask, not believing what he just said. Surely I must have misheard him?

"I said that you look hot."

"Okay..." I say, making my way back into the dressing room. I accidentally giggle, which I swear did not come out intentionally.

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