16. slip of tongue

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"You're back! How was the trip?" Jisung enthusiastically greets me as I wheel my suitcase into the guards' quarters. It was nice to see some familiar faces again after returning to this new place filled with unknown people.

"It was great! They spent a lot of time together so we didn't have a lot to do. I did embarrass myself big time in front of King Minho, unfortunately." My body rolls out a tingly shiver to let the cringe out of my system. Not like it gaslit me into thinking nothing happened.

"I knew it! What did you do?"

"Look at you, so happy to see me suffer," I scoff and roll my eyes. Nevertheless, I narrate the story of how I took down an innocent waiter instead of grabbing a shirt from the car for King Hyunjin. He was howling in fits of laughter by the end of my little story-telling session.

"That's enough laughter. Don't we have to be at training or something by now?" I mention to him as his laughter subsides and a look of realization dawns upon him.

"Oh shit, yeah! Chan's going to kill me," Jisung mutters under his breath as he haphazardly arranges his things before running outside. I didn't even get time to lay down my suitcase.

The session goes on as usual with our batch of  guards training in combat with each other in pairs. Today, I was up against San, my workout partner. We resist each other's advances firmly the whole round and I surrender once the time runs out.

"Alright, time's up! You worked hard today, but keep working harder tomorrow!" Chan says with a clap of acknowledgment.

"Great match as usual," San says, grabbing my hands to lift me up and do a chest bump. My previously white vest was almost grey from all the sweating and wrestling.

"You're surrendering next time," I say, raising my eyebrows. It always ended in a tie. The gym slowly clears out as everyone hits the showers. Forgetting my bag with my spare clothes in it, I head back to the lockers. However, I do a double take as I walk past the gym.

Chan was punching into a sand bag in the center of the room, tiny beads of sweat running down his forehead and rock hard abs. Yes, he was shirtless. I gulp.

"How the heck is he such daddy material?" I think to myself. Or atleast I thought. I hear an obnoxious gasp behind me.

"Yang Jeongin, you nasty boy! Having dirty thoughts about your boss, huh? I didn't know you were that big of a simp," Jisung teases as he emerges from behind me. My ears turn beet red at the realization, and I notice Chan too had stopped what he was doing to see what the commotion caused by him was. Jisung has always had a knack for sniffing out tea from people. I run away, unable to take anymore embarrassment.


"Anything else, my King?" I ask as I fetch some documents for King Minho.

"Nope, that will be all. And please just call me Minho, it feels weird that my husband's best friend talks to me formally. Thank you for the help," he says, dismissing me. I nod and just as I turn to leave, however, his phone screen lights up with a notification. Now, I could care less about whatever the hell that notification was. No, I was more interested in his lockscreen.

It was Hyunjin. My best friend. His husband. It shouldn't be that big of a deal but it's way too romantic considering they don't even like each other...or do they? He had convinced me enough that the time I walked in on them making out was a mistake. It's even worse because the guy won't tell me smack about his honeymoon. If not me, who else is he gonna tell? His mother?

But what if he didn't even know? It was a candid picture and Hyunjin is definitely not aware that he's being photographed. What if it's a one sided love?

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