17. angry advisor

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"Let the electricity and lighting team do a final check of the fittings in the afternoon. I'll drop by later to inspect," Hyunjin says into the speakerphone as he hangs up. It was tons of chaos and piles of paperwork at the administrative office the whole week. The bridge connecting the two kingdoms (now merged together) is going to be inaugurated tomorrow and there's still a lot of last minute preparations left.

Seungmin rushes into the office, evidently looking like he was barely keeping it together by his crooked glasses and dark circles. We were all running on high doses of caffeine and pulling numerous all-nighters for this major project. "Minho, what are you still doing here? I told you you're supposed to be at that conference with the Kim's in half an hour. I'm your advisor, not your secretary!"

"And I'm the King so I'll do as I please," I say nonchalantly to tick him off. You could almost see the fumes coming out of his ears, all the pent up frustration and sleep deprivation threatening to spill out of his soul.

"Don't you use your King card on me. Get cracking now." Seungmin was like an overbearing mother sometimes. The only reason I didn't mind him speaking to me like that was because we're really close and he technically helps me run the country, so, you know.

"And if I don't?"

"Your incompetent nature becomes the reason for your kingdom's downfall. Simple," he says, shrugging and rolling his eyes.

"Who says I can't cause your downfall too?" I ask with a smirk, heading to my computer and pretending to search for some big, important file. In reality, I was just opening a game of solitaire.

"What are you talking about?" Seungmin says, folding his arms. I press the enter key on the keyboard and peer at him attentively.

"That's all your hard work down the drain. Now I can tell that you're an incompetent advisor who does nothing," I say with a sugary smile, bathing in the satisfaction of him buying my act.

"Lee fucking Minho," Seungmin seethes, slamming his hand on a ring binder so hard that it dents. "You have got to be the most immature king known to mankind. How dare you?" He yanks the collar of my shirt and I realize that he genuinely thought I deleted all his 3 years of work. Brilliant as he was, he wasn't very bright with jokes.

"Can your old married couple asses fight somewhere else? I'm not able to focus," Hyunjin interrupts us, covering the speaker of the phone he was using.

"Forget ten years of friendship, I'm going to be childish too. I'm going to leak that childhood video of you. What will the people think of their esteemed, glorious King Lee Minho after that?" He says smugly, and my expression falters.

"No you wouldn't."

"Oh yes I would. You wanna play dirty, I can play dirty too." Our relationship dynamic has always been like this. Fighting like cat and mouse.

"Fine, look! I didn't delete anything okay? All your data is still there and I'm just terribly playing solitaire in here. Don't make that video public," I waver in my stance, giving in to his threat.

"What video are you guys talking about?" Hyunjin asks, curiosity piqued. 

"Oh, your husband hasn't seen it before? Then I definitely must show him at the very least. Follow me," Seungmin claps his hands in excitement as he leads Hyunjin to his desk. 

"Where do you think you're going? I thought you said you were busy?" I question him with a raised brow.

"Little Minho awaits, everything else is insignificant," Hyunjin responds. Seungmin logs into his computer and within a single click, the video opens.

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