20. hot and bothered

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"Careful, you'll hurt yourself," I say as Minho shifts in his bed to move closer to me. After staying in the infirmary for two days, the doctors had let him go with bandages decorating his body. I wasn't hurt much except for my arm, but that would heal soon so I had nothing to worry about.

"This is much more comfortable," he says contently, resting his head on my lap and hugging my thigh. I let out a laugh.

"What?" He asks.

"You look so cute in this position," I giggle, running my fingers through his hair. He scrunches his nose.

"My misery is your happiness," he says, fake sulking.

"You know that's not what I'm saying," I groan, rolling my eyes.

"You were asking about my Dad the other day, right?" He brings up out of nowhere. I nod.

"Well...he used to send me to this place every time I misbehaved. It was honestly kind of like a torture chamber. A lot of royals sent their children there to 'discipline' them and 'straighten them out.' No kid should ever have to go through that, it was the worst. He never failed to make sure that I knew my existence was a mistake and he wanted to do nothing with me."

"Why the hell would he send his own child to get beaten up? Doesn't that just make you more rebellious?" I say, appalled.

"I don't know either, he's always been crazy like that. It didn't end with me though. He always took his anger out on Mom. I knew she was scared of him but I couldn't say anything, because in the end we'd both only get hurt again," he continues. I felt bad that he had to relive such memories because I asked him about it.

"How did he get you to marry me?" I ask. When we first got the news, it had seemed like Minho was prepared for that kind of thing.

"It was only after I grew up a bit that he realized I was his successor and not Felix. He started being marginally nicer to me so that I would develop some respect for him and not tarnish our reputation when the time came to form an association with another royal family. In the end, everything was about business and making money." His voice was laced with disgust. I could understand why Minho did what he did after his explanation.

"Was he like that to Felix too?"

"No, he's always had a soft spot for Felix. But he grew to dislike him because he saw the way he treated everyone else. That's why I'm so protective over Felix. I love him to death and I don't want anyone to hurt him like my father did to me. He deserves better than that," he finishes, just as the door opens to reveal Jisung and Felix. Both had their fair share of injuries, especially Jisung. They were cheerful despite the whole situation.

"Who deserves better?" Jisung asks, interrupting our conversation. I decide to play with him for fun.

"Minho was just saying how he would kill anyone who dared to lay a finger on Felix," I say, exaggerating his statement. He looks up at me from my lap and rolls his eyes. Felix seems to notice that I was up to something and joins me.

"Yeah Min, do you know the things he does to me?" Felix adds, enjoying his boyfriend's look of horror. He had always been a little intimidated by Minho.

"Hey! It's consensual!" He defends himself and I burst out laughing. Minho looks up like he's seen a ghost.

"That's good and all, but WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TELLING ME THIS?" He says incredulously.


"Alright, calm down Sungie. We'll come visit later," Felix says, bidding adieu. I snort.

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