13. idiot

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After freshening up and getting ready for the day, we finally step out of the house again. Truth be told, I just wanted to stay in and maybe watch movies with Hyunjin, but it's not every day you can simply get a vacation as a king.

We got our international driver's license too, so we wouldn't have to depend on the guards to take us around. Of course, they'd still be around us for security reasons, but we could enjoy more privacy if it was just the two of us in one car.

I decided to drive us around for the day, and just as I was about to step out the door, I notice Hyunjin's outfit. He was wearing knee-length denim shorts, paired with a pink Hawaiian shirt which was so bright I almost blinded myself.

"We look so... different," I remark as he scans my clothes. I was wearing a sky blue shirt along with some beige trousers. The contrast between our outfits almost made me laugh.

"No way, I thought you'd be wearing one of these too!" he says as he runs out of the room, covering his face in embarassment. The sight makes me chuckle.

Moments later, he reappears in front of me, now in seemingly normal attire. He switched out the Hawaiian shirt for a plain yellow one. The first few buttons of his shirt were left undone, exposing a bit of his chest. I bite my bottom lip, smirking.

"Stop staring and get a move on!!"


The drive to the beach was somewhat quiet and peaceful. I folded back the roof of the convertible we were in before we started our journey. The clear skies, the calming music playing from the radio, and the wind rushing on our faces as we kept moving really elevated the experience.

"Your destination is on the right," the voice of the navigation assistant booms from the car speakers. Hyunjin and I pick up our belongings before exiting the car and head towards the beach.

We decided to go to this one specific beach because it's famous for the variety of activities and workshops they conduct for tourists. Bracelet making was on the list of activities for this week, and Hyunjin could not have been happier. He said he had wanted to make bracelets with a friend or a partner since his childhood, and today was the day he finally gets to strike it off his bucket list. Initially, I pretended not to be interested solely to annoy him, but he gave me puppy eyes and I had no option but to give in.

"Look, there are children! That's probably where it's happening!" Hyunjin says enthusiastically, clapping his hands in glee. He was practically hopping towards the beach.

The entrance of the set up decorated with banners and flowers and balloons of a variety of colors. We were welcomed by a middle-aged woman and a child, who looked around seven years old. They greet us with warm smiles and and guide us towards a small part the beach, reserved exclusively for this programme.

Just like Hyunjin said, the kids we saw from a distance indeed belonged over here. The kids who were done making their bracelets were flying kites. The backdrop of the sea and the clear, blue sky decorated with colorful kites made it a pretty view overall.

"Please take your seats, gentlemen. I'll be back with the supplies in a few seconds," the lady motions her hand towards two empty chairs, and we happily get ourselves comfortable.

"It feels nice here, yeah?" Hyunjin remarks as he takes in the surroundings. I notice the corners of his lips slowly curl up as he looks at all the children around us, which suddenly reminds me of the time when we visted the orphanage together. The memory puts a smile on my face.

"You're grinning like an idiot. What about?" He asks, his left eyebrow tugging up.

"Nothing," I dryly respond as I see the woman return with a tray full of beads, strings, charms and whatnot.

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