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It started out as a normal day in the resistance, I had woken up and got some breakfast before heading off to train for a bit with my first and only friend at the resistance who was close to my age, Ben Solo, he's around 4 years older then me. I'm currently 10 years old, and Ben is 14.

I was walking to the training room when Leia stopped me for a moment.

"Hey Y/n could I talk to you for a moment" she asked.

"Of course" i quickly replied.

"I just wanted to let you know that your parents and baby sister are coming to visit later today, they sent a message informing me" she told me with a kind smile.

"Thank you for letting me know, I should probably get to training though before Ben starts to worry" I said with a small laugh.

"Alright dear, your free to go" Leia said as I ran off.

I ran off to the training center but stopped when I saw Ben lost in thought, i quickly snuck up behind hin and tackled him into a hug startling him.

"Hi Ben!" I said happily as I let him go.

"Oh stars y/n! You scared me!" Ben said after he calmed down.

"That was the intention" I laughed.

Ben huffed before replying. "Yea yea, you ready to train for a bit"

"Yep, oh by the way, before I forget to tell you, my parents and baby sister are coming to visit later." I said

"Do you know why they are coming to visit? They normally don't come without a reason?" Ben questioned.

"I'm not sure actually, all Leia told me was that they were coming to visit later." I replied back.

After we got done talking we trained for the rest of the morning before Leia called me saying my parents were here and that they needed me.

Me and Ben walked to the main control room where my parents and baby sister were. When Rey saw me she ran over and tackled me into a hug, I returned the hug and walked over to my parents.

"Hey mom, hey dad" I said with a smile.

"Hey y/n" my mom said.

I noticed the worry laced behind the calm demeanor of my mother, my father on the other hand, was very visibly worried.

"Are you alright dad?"

"I'm fine sweetheart, could I talk to you for a few minutes, alone" my father asked quickly.

I gave a small nod and followed my father into an empty room.

"What is it father?" I asked curious.

"I need you to pack your bag, your going to be coming to visit for a few days." My father informed me.

"Ok, can Ben come with us?" I asked hoping my father would say yes.

"I'm sorry hunny, but he can't come with us, only you, you'll be back though, I promise." My father apologized.

"It's ok, I'll go pack and tell Ben bye." I said with a smile as I ran off to pack.

I spent the next hour or so packing stuff I would need into a backpack, I packed spare clothes, water, food, a small blaster incase something happened, and my lightsaber. After I finished packing, I went to Ben's room to say goodbye. Once I reached his door I knocked hopping he was in there. After a few moments he answered the door.

"Oh hey y/n what do you need, also why do you have a backpack?" Ben asked confused.

"I'm going to go visit home with my family for a few days, but I'll be back right afterwards, I promise." I said giving Ben a hug.

I could feel him return the hug. "You better come back, your my best friend, I don't know what I would do if you didn't come back" he mumbled into my neck, his warm breath tickled my skin.

After me and Ben let each other go, he walked me out to my family ship, his hand intertwined with mine. Once we made it to my families ship, Ben let go of my hand and engulfed me in another quick hug before he pulled back, we both got lost in each others eyes for a moment before my parents called my name. I quickly looked at my parents as they retreated into the ship, Rey was already inside waiting for everyone. I quickly looked back at Ben before giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"I promise I'll come back to you, and until I see you again, I wanna tell you something." I quickly said.

"What is it?" Ben asked curious.

I have a small teasing smile, "I love you!" I said before running into the ship giggling, I turned back to see Ben face a bright red, but his next words shocked me just as much.

"I love you too y/n."

Now it was my turn to blush as I watched the ships door close, I walked to the main bay of the ship and talked with Rey for a while before I felt the ship land. I watched my parents enter the ships main bay and tell me and Rey to grab out bags. I quickly grabbed my bag and followed my parents out onto what looked like a desert planet.

"Father where are we?" I asked, this wasn't out home.

"We're on Jakku, we needed to make a quick stop here." My father informed me.

"Oh, ok." I responded.

Me and Rey followed our parents as they approached someone we didn't know, the person handed my parents a Bag of money before he grabbed our arms.

"Hey, let me go!" I yelled as I tried to pull from the person grip, I turned around to see my parents walking away, leaving me and Rey with the man.

I could hear Rey yelling at them to not go, but all I could think about was how I broke my promise to Ben. I stood frozen as I watched my parents enter their ship and fly away, tears streamed down mine and Rey's face.

"I'm so sorry Ben, I couldn't keep my promise to you, but I'll make this new promise, I will find you again."

We'll meet again Kylo Ren x Reader Where stories live. Discover now