Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning to the suns rays hitting my face, I sat up and blinked the sleep from my eyes. I noticed that Rey was already awake. I got up, changed quickly, and walked outside. Once outside I noticed Rey talking to BB-8, it looked like she was having a good time, I hoped she was having second thoughts about sending him away.

I walked over to her and the droid and sat down next the them.

"Morning." I yawned.

"Good morning." Rey said and BB-8 beeped a good morning.

"You ready to head to town?" I asked Rey, she nodded her head yes.

We both walked to our speeders with BB-8 following close behind. We boarded our speeders and rode off to town, BB-managed to keep up with us, both me and Rey were pleasantly surprised.

Once we got to town we cleaned off the last remaining few items from the day before and took them to get them for food, we got there and Unkar Pluut told us that it was a half potion total. Rey wasn't to happy since it was a half portion each last week.

"What about the droid?" Unkar said.

"What about him?" I replied back

"I'll pay for him!" Unkar said as he placed a ton of food on the counter. "60 portions!" He said merrily.

Rey went to grab all the food but stopped, she looked back at me and BB-8 before pushing the food back onto the counter and grabbing the original amount we had been given before hand.

"Actually, he's not for sale." Rey stated.

I gave her a small smile as we walked off with BB-8 chirping happily behind us, we walked of a few minutes before some of Unkar's workers stopped us, they quickly put a bag over BB-8 and restrained me and Rey. I kicked the two that were holding onto me, and Rey used her quarter staff to knock the remaining people out. I quickly pulled the bag off BB-8.

"Are you ok?" I asked quickly. He chirped a quick response of "yes" and I sighed happily.

I was brought back to my senses when BB-8 gave a disturbed and loud beep, I looked at where he was looking and saw a black man with short black hair, he was wear a black shirt and pants, and a brown leather jacket. BB-8 had said that the jacket had belonged to his master.

"Who, him." Rey asked, pointing to the man, she must have heard the conversation as well since she ran off towards the man looking very angry. I ran off after her and cut the man off tripping him as Rey jammed her quarter stick into his chin knocking him to the ground.

"What's your hurry, thief." Rey spat, her quarter staff pointed threateningly at the man.

"What, Thief!?" The man exclaimed

BB-8 came up and zapped his leg with his small stun gun.

"Ow!" The man exclaimed. "Hey, what?"

"The jacket." I said, glaring at the man, "this droid says you stole it."

"I've had a pretty messed up day, all right, so I'd appreciate it if you'd stop accusing me of-

BB-8 zapped him again

-Ow! Stop it!" The man said sending a slight glare towards BB-8

"Where'd you get it?" I questioned "it belongs to his master."

The man looked at BB-8 for a moment before tilting his head back and sighing.

"It belongs to Poe Dameron. That was his name, right?" The man asked.

BB-8 looked at me and Rey and then back at the man.

"He was captured by the First Order. I helped him escape, but our ship crashed." The man paused for a moment, "Poe didn't make it."

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