Chapter 5

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The three of us were crawling through the vents as sparks flew everywhere.

"This was a mistake!" Finn yelled.

"Huge!" Rey yelled back.

We opened the vent hatch and climbed out, we started running down the corridors looking for an exit.

"What do they look like!?" Rey asked as we ran.

We turned a corner to see a Rathtar eating one of the people from earlier, i quickly grabbed Rey's free hand while her other went to cover her mouth.

"They look like that." Me and Finn stated as we ran off again, the Rathtar hot on our tails. We quickly turned a corner when Finn yelled "this way!"

"Are you sure!" I asked.

We kept running but the Rathtar managed to wrap one of its tentacles around Finns leg. Me and Rey turned around at the sound of his screams.

"Finn!" I heard Rey exclaim.

We chased after him but had no luck in being able to grab him. The Rathtar disappeared and me and Rey tried to chase after it, instead we managed to find a security cam table, it had a bunch of different cameras on it that allowed us to see the whole ship, we found the one with Finn, and once the time was right, Rey closed the blast door freeing him. We ran to where he was.

"Finn!" I exclaimed.

"It had me! But the door..." he started.

"That was lucky." Rey said cutting him off.

We all turned around and ran off again, this time headed for the Falcon in hopes that Hans would already be there. When we arrived Hans was just getting to the ship. Chewie looked injured from what I could tell. He pointed to me and Rey.

"You two, close the door behind us." He then turned to Finn. "You, take care of Chewie!"

Finn quickly ran over and wrapped Chewie's arm around his shoulder. We all quickly ran into the ship. Rey joined Han's in the cockpit and I joined Finn to try and help Chewie. We heard Han yell at us to hang on and Finn answered with "no problem!" I on the other hand was grabbing bandages and other supplies Finn would need to help Chewie. He was having issues though, but every time either me or BB-8 tried to get close Chewie growled threateningly and we immediately backed off.

"Chewie, come on!" Finn pleaded "I need help with this giant hairy thing!" He yelled to up to my sister and Han.

"You hurt Chewie, and you're gonna deal with me!" I heard Han yell from the cockpit.

"Hurt him? He almost killed me six times!" Scoffed Finn. Chewie grabbed Finn's neck and brought him close to his face. "Which is fine." Finn choked out.

Hans came out from the cockpit a few moments later and we finally managed to patch Chewie up.

"Ah, don't say that. You did great. Just rest." He reassured Chewie once we got done.

I put everything away and cleaned up. Han walked over to Finn really quick and told him that he had done a good job. Rey came around the corner moments later.

"So, fugitives, huh?" He laughed.

"Not by choice." I said.

"The first order wants the map. Finn is with the Resistance. We're just scavengers." Rey added

Han and Finn looked at each other for a moment before Han looked at BB-8.

"Let's see what you got." He said. BB-8 looked at Rey and she told him to go ahead. He rolled into the middle of the room and turned on a hologram, it showed what looked like a puzzle piece to something bigger.

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