Chapter 4

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Once everyone was out, Han's pulled me to the side.

"We need to talk, it's about Ben." He said

"Look, I know he probably hates me and doesn't want anything to do with me, but can you at least tell me how's he's doing." I pleaded

"That's the thing, I don't even know. Y/n...Ben joined the dark side 6 years ago."

It felt like the world had just come crashing down on me. I stood frozen to my spot, tears threatening to spill from my eyes, Han's noticed this and gave me a hug. I hugged him back as the tears fell from my eyes. Once we let go of each other I walked off to one of the stray rooms, tears still in my eyes. My sister noticed and immediately came running after me. She found me in an empty room looking at the only photo I had of Ben and me. I noticed her come and sit next to me, but I didn't pay attention until she said something.

"Are you ok?" She asked me.

"No, I just found out that Ben joined the dark side 6 years ago." I said as I tried to keep my tears at bay.

I felt my sister wrap her arms around me in a secure hug, she knew how much Ben meant to me. I finally allowed myself to cry openly. I felt like I had failed in a way, maybe if I had been there I could've stopped all this, I could have helped him.

Once things settled down we both exited the room and walked over to Finn. Hans joined a few moments later.

"Where'd you get this ship?" He asked.

"Niima Outpost." Rey replied back.

"Jakku? That Junkyard?" Hans said looking shocked and slightly annoyed.

"Thank you! Junk yard." Finn sighed.

"Told you we should have double-checked the Western Reaches." Hans mentioned to chewie, he growled in response.

"Who had it? Ducain?" Hans scoffed.

"We stole it. From Unkar Plutt. He stole it from the Irving Boys, who stole it from Ducain." I said.

"Who stole it from me!" Said Hans, the annoyance becoming clear in his voice. "Well, you tell him that Han Solo just stole back the Milennium Falcon for good."

"This is the Milennium Falcon!" Rey exclaimed. "You're Han Solo!"

"First of all, that's why I remembered this ship, I was on here a lot with Han and Ben. And secondly, weren't you listening earlier." I said shooting a glance at my sister.

"I used to be." Hans mentioned as he walked to the cockpit of the ship.

"Han Solo, the Rebellion General?" Asked Finn.

"No, the smuggler." Rey replied back.

"Wasn't he. War hero?" Finn said while looking at Chewie.

Chewie just grunted in response.

"This is the ship that made the Kessel run in 14 parsecs!" Rey exclaimed again.

"12!" Me and Han yelled at the same time.

"14" I scoffed, not realizing Hans had done the same.

I walked into the cockpit to see Hans looking around with a smile on his face, it suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a small annoyed frown.

"Hey!" He yelled as he walked back out into the main area of the ship, "some moof-milker put a compressor on the ignition line."

"Unkar Plutt did." Rey mentioned.

"I thought it was a mistake too. Puts to much.." I started.

"Stress on the hyperdrive..." Han, Rey, and me finished all together.

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