Chapter 8

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Kylo had yet to return so I was taking this remaining time to try and get out of the restraints. It wasn't going well so far, they were a lot stronger then I thought they were. I stopped suddenly when I heard indistinct radio chatter from behind me, I looked over my shoulder to see a stormtrooper standing guard. I suddenly remembered something Ben had taught me a long time ago. I took a deep breath before speaking.

"You will remove these restraints..and leave the cell with the door open." I commanded, praying that it would work.

"What did you say." The stormtrooper remarked.

"You will remove these restraints..and leave the cell with the door open." I commanded again, this time a little more authority to my voice.

I watched the stormtrooper walk in front of me before he spoke again.

"I'll tighten those restraints scavenger scum." He sneered.

I again took a deep breath and calmed my mind, focusing all my energy into this.

"You will remove these restraints..and leave the cell, with the door open." I finally commanded in a clear authoritative voice. I watched the stormtrooper straighten and repeat what I had said before he removed the restraints and started to leave.

"And you'll drop your weapon!" I added quickly.

"And I'll drop my weapon." The stormtrooper said before dropping his weapon and walking out of the room. I quickly took this opportunity and bolted, I grabbed the gun off the ground and ran down the hall. I didn't get very far before hearing the angry screams of Kylo coming from where I had just been."

"Thank goodness I got out of there when I did. Ben is not happy at all." I thought as I ran down the hall again. I stayed out of sight as I looked for a way out.

I was doing pretty well at staying hidden, anytime i heard stormtroopers coming closer to me I hid, and I always had my blaster at the ready. One of the times when I had to hide, I even managed to find my lightsaber that had been taken from me. I put it into its respective place on my belt. I had sadly found out that I had lost my picture I had of me and Ben from when we were little though, it must've fallen out somewhere at Maz's castle.

I kept running down halls and hiding when needed, I could feel the tension in the air from my escape. The heaviest coming from Ben. I did not what I encounter him incase he decided he wanted to kill me.

After running for what seemed like forever I came to a huge hanger. It had very large walls with what looked like holding compartments, for what, I wasn't sure. I could hear stormtroopers just around the corner and knew I couldn't go down there, but as I went to turn around I heard more stormtroopers walking towards me. I was stuck and didn't know what to do.

After pondering for a moment I thought of an idea. I quickly ran to the side of the wall and gripped onto the handle bars, I climbed down easily thanks to the years of being a scavenger with my sister, I reached one of the compartments and pulled down the handle before crawling inside and hiding for the time being.

After who knows how long. I finally opened the compartment and climbed out. I kept my gun raised as I cautiously roamed the halls. I turned a corner and yelped in surprise while raising my gun until I saw who it was. It was my sister, Finn, Han, and Chewie.

"Are you alright." Han asked me

"Yeah." I quickly replied.

"Good." He said softly.

"What happened?" Rey questioned.

"Did he hurt you?" He added.

"Rey, Finn, what are you doing here." I asked.

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