Chapter 7

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I held back my tears as I stared at the person in front of me. For the past 15 years I had held onto the hope that I would see him again, and that maybe things would go back to normal. But when Han told me that Ben had joined the dark side I lost a bit of that hope. Seeing him now, standing in front of me, only diminished my hope further. I knew he didn't recognize me, I had changed quite a bit after all, heck, even Han didn't recognize me until I said something.

I wanted so badly to tell him who I was, but I was terrified of what he would do, especially if he were to hate me. He could easily kill me if he really wanted to.

"Your one of the girls I've heard so much about." He said as he started to approach me.

I watched as he walked behind me.

"The droid." He said.

Next thing I knew his lightsaber was reflecting off my eyes, just inches from my neck and face. "Where is it."

He walked back in front of me and brought one of his hands close to my face. I tried to block him out as he went though my head, but failed mostly, I did however block him out from discovering who exactly I was.

"The map. You've seen it." He said, his hand still close to my face, I heard the voice of a stormtrooper and he quickly walked away from me. I was still frozen in place.

"Forget the droid. We have what we need." I heard him say before everything blacked out.

I woke up again after some time, I wasn't sure exactly how long I had been out, but when I tried to move I found myself restrained to a chair. I looked in front of me to where Ben was crouching down looking up at me.

"Where am I." I hissed.

"Your my guest." He stated in a matter-of-factly kind of tone.

"Where are the others?" I questioned quickly. Suddenly concerned for my sisters well-being, I hoped no one was hurt.

"Do you mean the murderers, traitors, and thieves you call friends? He said as I just glared at him. "You'll be relieved to hear I have no idea." He added.

I stayed silent and continued to glare at him with unspoken sadness and rage.

"You still want to kill me." He said.

"That's happens when you're being hunted by a creature in a mask." I spat.

What he did next actually surprised me, he reached up and placed his hands on the side of his mask, it made a small hissing noise before he pulled it off. I stared at him as silent tears threatened to spill, he looked exactly the same as I remembered. I took a deep breath to calm myself, but Ben noticed the tears at the edges of my eyes. He looked at me confused.

"What?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"You look like you want to cry? Why's that?" He questioned.

I knew I was about to make a mistake, but I wouldn't be able to keep this act up for much longer.

"I guess that's what happens when you see the person you once love turn into a monster, what the heck happened to you." I said as tears threatened to spill again. "Your not the same Ben Solo I knew 15 years ago, you changed, and not for the better." I spat.

I noticed Ben stop and look at me. He walked closer to me and stared at me for a moment.

"How do you know me, and how do I know you?" He asked.

"Can't even remember your old friend. Perhaps hearing my name will jog your memory." I hissed. "My name is Y/n."

I saw the way Ben froze, his eyes widened a bit before he backed away. He quickly turned his lightsaber on and pointed it directly at me.

"Your lying, she died 15 years ago." He growled, the venom clear in his voice.

"Look though my memories if you don't believe me." I stated.

I watched as he turned his lightsaber off and got closer to me and brought a hand to my head again, this time I allowed him to shift though my memories, I showed memories that only me and him would know about so he knew I was really telling the truth. When he brought his hand back he just stared at me again.

"How, I was told you and your family died when your parents ship was hit."

"My parents probably did die, me and my sister didn't. The day that I left my parents tricked me and Rey and sold us off to someone on Jakku, we had been there ever since. Up until a couple days ago when we found your fathers ship and managed to leave the plant. Then all this happened, and you showed up. Your father warned me ahead of time what happened, how you had joined the dark side." I said, my voice wavering a bit at the end.

"I just realized the truth about the resistance, now, tell me about the droid." He said.

"He's a BB unit with a selenium drive and a thermal hyper-scan vindicator.." I started

"Don't play with me y/n, it's carrying a section of a navigational chart, and we have the rest. Recovered from the archives of the Empire. But we need the last piece, and somehow you convinced the droid to show it to you." He said.

His voice suddenly dropped lower as he continued. "You know I can take whatever I want." He stated as he again brought his hand up close to my head again. I tried to block him out but since I hadn't done it in 15 years and he had gotten stronger, the barrier didn't last long and he was soon able to get into my head."

"You were so lonely, so afraid to leave. At night, desperate to sleep. You imagine a forest. I see it. And Han Solo, you feel like he's the father you never had. He would have disappointed you." He said as a few tears escaped from my eyes.

"Get out of my head!" I snapped.

He quickly moved away from me only to walk in front of me and hold his hand out.

"I know you've seen the map. It's in there. And now you'll give it to me." He threatened as he tried to forcefully make me talk.

It was a struggle but I managed to keep quiet for the most part.

"Don't be afraid y/n. I feel it to." He said.

"I'm not giving you anything." I hissed.

"We'll see." He told me

I could feel him increasing the amount of force he was using but I kept quiet. After a moment I got an idea, it was a stupid idea, but I prayed that it worked.

"You. You're afraid, that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader." I threatened, the venom clear in my voice this time.

I felt him quickly recoil back. He glared at me before storming out of the room, leaving me alone to finally sit and think about what just happened.

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