Chapter 10

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Im not sure how long we had stayed in the same position, but for once, I didn't mind. Being like this brought me back to being a kid and hanging out with Ben. This was the first time since I had seen him again where he was calm, and I was happy. Although there was still a question that wouldn't leave my mind.

"Hey Ben." I asked softly.

"Mhm." He mumbled against my neck.

"Why did you do it, turn to the dark side I mean?" I questioned hesitantly.

I felt Ben tense a bit before shifting and placing his chin on top of my head.

"Not long after you had disappeared my parents sent me off to continue my training with my uncle Luke. It was going well until he tried to murder me one night in  my sleep, I woke up in time to save myself. That was when I realized that the light side is evil. So I turned to the dark side and Snoke became my teacher. He taught me almost everything I know." He explained to me.

It seemed hard to believe that Luke would try to just murder his nephew in cold blood without good reasoning. Yes I was a bit upset that Luke would even think about killing his own family, but in a very small sense I could understand. Where Ben solo was funny, kind, and caring, Kylo ren is the complete opposite. He's mean, ruthless, and would to whatever it took to get what he wanted.

"I' sorry that you had to go through that, no one should have to be betrayed by their own family members." I started. "I'm guess the reason you were looking for the other piece of the map to find Luke and I'm guessing get revenge on him." I finished.

"Your still as observant as ever." Ben said with a chuckle.

"What can I say. I learned from the best." I said with a small laugh.

It was true, Ben had taught me to always be observant of my surroundings, especially if I was in a situation where I was in immediate danger and needed to escape quickly. He also taught me how to analyze people and find their weak points. I had a feeling him already knowing these things is one of the reasons he's so feared by so many people. He easily holds the advantage and power over others. If anyone were to disobey him he could easily end their existence in a quick slash of his lightsaber.

"You sure did, do you still remember anything I taught you?" He asked.

"Most of it yes, even on Jakku I still tried to train and practice what I already knew whenever I could. I even taught Rey a few things as well." I said softly.

"She's a good fighter, and she's got an amazing teacher." He said.

"I wouldn't exactly call myself an amazing teacher, I just taught her a few self defense moves incase she found herself in a difficult situation and I couldn't help her." I mentioned.

"It's still better then nothing though, at least she's more prepared then most are." Ben started. "Although I noticed something, and I'm sure you noticed it to, since you've been with her for the past 15 years, she's force sensitive." He finished.

"Oh I noticed alright. She just never really believed completely in all the Jedi stuff, she knew about it cause we lived in an area with a bunch of old star destroyers and other first order equipment and ships from a long time ago that crashed. But I never really told her much cause every time I tried she just brushed me off saying it was just a bunch of children's stories." I explained remembering the times I tried to explain the Jedi ways to Rey but she never believed me and just ignored me. After a while I had just given up and just taught her ways to handle a lightsaber carefully.

"You know.." Ben started. "If you wanted me to, I could teach you again like when we were kids. It know it will be a lot different, but I'd enjoy being your teacher again and seeing how much you've improved since the last time I saw you." He finished with a smile.

I pulled out of the hug and turned around to face him. I thought for a moment before deciding to let him teach me. I hoped it would be a small step into helping him return to the light. There was a lot that I would need to work on, but I wasn't going to give up until I succeeded in my mission.

"Alright, you can teach me." I said with a happy smile.

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