Chapter 9

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I could feel myself being carried in someone's arms when I started to stir again. I recognized Ben through the haziness and fog my mind still seemed to be in. He hadn't completely noticed I was starting to wake up yet, but by the time he reached his ship and walked to his quarters he noticed the slight movement signaling I was waking up. He gently sat down on his bed before whispering in my ear again.

"It's not time to wake up yet y/n. Get some more rest, you need it."

I didn't have enough energy to register him gently putting his hand on the side of my head again. I just remember the darkness that quickly followed.

I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep but when I finally managed to come to and finally wake up completely, I found myself in a completely different place then the forest. My mind was still foggy but as it cleared up I remembered what had happened. I was a prisoner, again.

I looked around the room I was in and was immediately struck by the sense of foreboding that hung in the air. The walls were stark and adorned with various artifacts and symbols related to the dark side of the Force. The dim lights cast eerie shadows, adding to the ominous atmosphere that pervaded the space.

The dark, richly embroidered linens draped over the mattress of the bed I was laying on like a cloak of shadows, seemingly swallowing up the light in the room. The headboard, intricately carved with designs that spoke of a tumultuous history, loomed over me like a silent guardian. The pillows, plumped and arranged with meticulous precision

As I took in the room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, as if the very walls themselves held a dark secret waiting to be revealed.

I froze suddenly when I heard the door to the room being opened. I quickly laid back down and pretended to be asleep so I didn't have to face confrontation. Just as I closed my eyes I felt a very familiar presence behind me.

"I know your awake by now y/n, you were never able to get that past me." I heard Kylo say from behind me.

I finally gave up and opened my eyes with a sigh. I sat up but refused to make eye contact, I kept my head down and stayed quiet.

"Y/n, look at me." Kylo said with a slight sternness to his voice.

"Why should I listen to you." I mumbled angrily.

I felt him sit down next to me on the bed before he slipped a finger under my chin and forced me to look at him. His hazel eyes connecting with my e/c ones, I still refused to say anything and I could tell he was getting a bit frustrated.

"Say something, please." He said

"Give me one good reason I should listen to what you have to say. What will happen if I don't." I threatened. "You'll kill me like you killed your own father." I hissed, the venom clear in my voice as I glared at him hatefully.

I noticed the way he tried not to recoil at my harsh words. Under normal circumstances I would've felt bad for the way I had talked to him, but right now, I didn't want to talk to him. I kept my emotions under control for the most part though, I wasn't going to let my anger get the best of me and blind me so badly I couldn't return to the light.

"Why am I even here, there's no point." I hissed lowly.

"I wanted to spend time with you." I heard Kylo start. "I haven't seen you in 15 years, I thought you had died." He continued, it sounded like his voice started to break at the end.

"Well, apparently neither of us are the same person we were 15 years ago." I said "we've both changed."

"You look a lot different." Kylo stated. He went silent for a moment before speaking. "But your still as beautiful as the day you left."

I had to hold back the small smile that was trying to force itself to show. Even if he had turned to the dark side, he was still somewhat of the same childish and loving Ben I knew as a kid.

I felt arms wrap around my waist as he brought me into a secure hug, his head resting in the crook of my neck.

"Do you think that you could give me a second chance, I want to get to know you again, see how you've been." He mumbled against my neck, his breath hot against my neck.

"Should I do it, maybe I could try to gently and slowly help him back towards the light. I really hope I won't regret this decision." I thought.

I gave a small sigh before speaking.

"I-.. I'm willing to give you a second chance. But it still doesn't change the fact that I'm very upset with you for what you did on starkiller base." I said hesitantly.

I felt the grip around my waist tighten a little before I heard Kylo speak.

"Thank you, I know your mad. But I hope that over time you can learn to forgive my actions." He said, his head still in the crook of my neck.

I leaned back into the touch slightly, for the past 15 years I had wanted nothing more then to see Ben again and just be held in his embrace. This wasn't how I had expected this to go, but even though I was upset with him, I was willing to give this a chance. So for a few minutes, I just let go and enjoyed the warmth of the hug, the way his breath felt hot against my neck, and the way it felt exactly the same as it did 15 years ago.

After a moment of hesitation I finally melted into the embrace, relishing in the warmth and security of it.

"I really hope I won't regret this." I thought with a small sigh of contentment.

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