Chapter 1

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15 years later

I was waiting at the bottom of the fallen and destroyed Star destroyer waiting for my sister to finish looking for parts in the upper areas of the ship, I stuck to the bottom since it made it easier to look for scrap parts.

"I'm coming down!" I heard Rey yell, not even two minutes later she was sliding down the rope towards the ground with multiple scrap parts in her bag.

"You ready to go?" I asked.

"Yep." She replied grabbing her water bottle and drinking the little bit that remained, I gave her what was let of my water bottle since I wasn't really thirsty. We both exited the star destroyer and slid down the hill to our speeders, I added the items I had found to the bag that was on the side of my speeder while Rey did the same with hers.

We both rode back to the main city to clean up our scraps and trade them in for food, once we got everything we needed we headed back to our make shift home and got our food ready, we sat outside and ate our food.

We talked for a bit while we ate, after we got done Rey grabbed a resistance helmet and put it over her head. She was looking around when we heard beeping off in the distance. Rey quickly took her helmet off and we ran towards the noise, she grabbed her quarter staff and I grabbed my lightsaber. When we reached the source of the noise we noticed Teedo and a small droid unit. The droid was tangled in one of Teddos nets, me and Rey ran towards Teedo as Rey shouts something in his language, I never cared to learn other languages unless absolutely necessary.

A few minutes later the droid was free from the net and Teedo was walking away mumbling angrily. The droid was beeping rude insults to him as he left.

"Sh, that's just Teedo, wants you for parts." I said.

"He has no respect for anyone." Rey added, the annoyance clear in her tone of voice.

"Your antennas bent." My sister said. I sat down so I was the droid's level and took its antenna out so I could fix it.

"Where do you come from?" I asked curiously.

The droid beeped and chirped in response.

"Classified really, us to, big secret." My sister said after the droid was done talking. I fixed the antenna and placed it back in its spot.

"Niima outpost is that way." I said pointing off in the direction of Niima outpost. "Stay off Kelvin ridge, and keep away from the sinking fields in the north, you'll drown in the sand." I informed the droid.

Me and Rey started to walk off, but the droid only beeped and started following us, Rey turned around and looked at the droid.

"Don't follow us, town is that way." She said

We turned around and started walking again, the droid started beeping again, asking if he could come with us.

"No." Rey huffed, I could tell she was getting a little annoyed with the droid.

I stopped walking though when I heard the droid say something close to "I'm afraid." My heart melted at the poor thing, I turned to Rey and silently pleaded with her to let the droid come with us. She gave me and annoyed stare before giving the signal for the droid to follow us, It gave a very happy high pitched noise and started to follow us.

"In the morning you go." Rey informed the droid and me, I just huffed in annoyance.

We walked back to our make shift house, I was sitting outside when the droid rolled up to me.

"What's your name?" I asked the droid

"BB-8." Beeped the droid, it was only the second time I had heard it say something even remotely close to English.

"Well then, it's nice to meet you BB-8." I said giving BB-8 a quick smile. "I should probably get some sleep, tomorrows gonna be a long day, as usual." I complained slightly.

I got up and went inside, I went over to my sleep area and laid down, before I fell asleep I picked up a photo I always carried with me, it was the only photo I had of Ben and me.

We had been outside playing in the nearby lake, Ben had suddenly grabbed me and dragged me into the lake, soaking both of us. Han's, Bens father, snapped a photo of it and gave a copy to me and a copy to Ben, so that we could be reminded of our time together.

I looked at the photo reliving that moment again, it had been 15 years since I had last seen him. I missed him dearly, and I still held onto the hope that one day I would see him again.

I gently put the photo back into the pocket of my jacket where it was kept safe and secure. Once I made sure the photo was safe I turned around and tried to go to sleep. It didn't take long before I had fallen asleep, dreaming about the fun times I had shared with Ben when we were still children.

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