their favourite physical feature ᡣ𐭩

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ponyboy is always staring at your lips when you talk, he admires how juicy they look, especially when you put on lipgloss or lip stick, that's when his eyes can't leave your lips. sometimes he thinks about just caressing his lips against yours. but he'll never actually act on it.

"is there somethin' in my teeth ponyboy? you keep looking at my lips?" your index finger scrapes against your teeth.

"no! no! it's just can't stop staring at your lips.. they look really nice.." he says gently.

johnny just drowns in your eyes, he loves the color, the shape, how your eyes squint when you laugh or smile, how they pop out when you're surprised. he thinks your eyes accentuate your face, he thinks your eyes complete your beauty. one time you just looked at johnny and smiled and he got all mushy and nervous and looked away.

"johnny, why did you look away so fast." you chuckled.
"your eyes are so pretty y/n, i can't look at em' without turning red." he blushed.

your smile can make soda's day anytime, anytime you guys are out having fun and he looks at you, seeing you smile, he feels all warm inside. he thinks your smile is so beautiful, he'll crack jokes just to see you smile. he'll do pretty much anything just to see you laugh.

"cmon y/n, i don't wanna see that sad face."
his words caused you to plaster a small smile on your face.
"yeah.. thats the pretty smile i wanna see."  he smirked

dally just can't keep his hands off your legs, he loves how curvy they are, especially when your sit right next to him, his hand automatically is on your thigh, he loves how soft and warm they feel. he squeezes your legs whenever he legs the chance. he always complimenting your legs, he tells you how captivating they are.

"your legs are so sexy, doll. your body is so perfect." his hands slithering up and down your thighs.

your chest is irresistible to steve, the way your chest makes your shirts and tops look more prominent. steve is always looking down and you have to tell him off sometimes when you're talking to him and you catch his eyes drifting down. he just loves the way your chest sits so perky and perfectly.

"steve come on, stop looking my chest and listen to me!" you scold him and hit his arm.
"i'm really sorry babe, but i really can't help lookin."

your hands are so delicate to darry, he like to hold your hands and fidget around with your fingers. he'll take your hands and treat them like diamonds. he likes how your keep your nails clean and well kept. he loves so soft they feel when your graze them on his skin. especially when your fingers caress his face.

"you have beautiful hands darlin', real soft and beautiful hands." darry took your hand and kissed the back of your hand.

styled, straightened, curly, wavy, he loves your hair. he loves how healthy and shiny your hair looks. long or short, he'll rummage his fingers through your hair when you're laying next to him. he'll play with the ends of your hair, pull strands of your hair to see the length of it.

"you're not ever gonna let go of my hair are ya two-bit?"
"nah i'm not, your hair is too soft and pretty it's like velvet." he says as he twirls around your hair.


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