how you meet him ֶָ֢⭑

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you met ponyboy at school, you two shared a class together and you became his friend pretty fast. he asked for your help on a assignment and you so wholeheartedly did, you two became really good friends after a while. until one day he asks you if you're free.

"hey y/n, i've been meaning to ask you, are you free this friday? maybe we can go to the drive in together?" he asks timidly.

"of course i'll go with you ponyboy!" you beamed.

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you were at the dingo all by yourself, it getting kind of late so you decided to leave before anything happened, as you were leaving you see a boy getting teased by a couple of socs, you can see he was pretty scared. out of act of service, you yelled "why don't y'all leave that boy alone?!"
the socs took off quickly and you went up to the boy to make sure he was okay.

"hey.. is everything okay? they didn't hurt ya right?" you said comfortingly.

"they didn't, but you didn't have to do all that you know?" he says softly.

"i wouldn't forgive myself if i let em hurt ya.. my name is y/n." you smiled gently.

"well thank you, my name is johnny." a soft expression spread across his face.

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you met dally at bucks, one night you stumbled into bucks to have a drink or two then call it a night, dally just so happened to sat right next to you drunkly. it was so obvious that he was flirting with you, you didn't take him seriously at first, but something inside you didn't want to leave him.

"hey pretty girl, i don't think i've seen you around here before." he says obviously intoxicated.

"i'm not interested sorry." you snap back quickly.

"oh cmon, i've been keeping my eye on you, at least get to know me first." he begs.

you turn to him and see him with a sly smile on his face. and you reciprocated with the same smile.

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you were at the drive in theatre with a couple of friends, two bit and his greaser friends was sitting directly behind you and your friends, the whole time the boys were making flirty jokes towards you and your friends, especially towards you. two bit was mainly targeting you.

"i don't know fellas, i wanna get to know the middle one." two bit says making evident he's referring to you.

you turn your back to see him with a smug look on his face.

"if you wanna get to know me you should actually try talkin' me." you grinned.

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you were driving your car home until you hear a weird sound coming from the engine, you checked to see if you were running low on gas, it was pretty full, so you stopped at the nearest gas station, the DX. you went inside to go ask for assistance, the clerk (sodapop), says his buddy can probably fix your car, he told you to wait outside for him to come out.

"you're having car trouble ma'am?" a muscular man comes out the gas station with his tool box.

"yes, can you check what's wrong with it please?"

he lifted your hood up and examined the engine, he spots the problem and immediately works on it.

"there you go ma'am, good as new." he closed down your hood.

"thank you so much! is there any way i can pay you?" you pleaded.
there was a brief moment of silence.
"a date with you could pay it off." he beamed.

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you were a reoccurring customer at the DX just to see the cute cashier, you'd randomly go in, buy something you don't really need but you do it to see him and make conversation with him. he makes it obvious that he's into you as well, he gets equally excited to see you walk in.

"hi again." you walk in with a coy smile on your face.

"you walk in here everyday.. i'm starting to think it ain't by accident." he leaned against the counter and had a suggestive smile on his face.

"am i a bother to you?" you look at him coquettishly.

"i didn't say that now, i actually hope to see you everyday."

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darry was working on a house right next to yours, he was in your neighborhood most of the time, so you practically saw him everyday, there was a couple instances where you guys made small talk, you two passed glances and half smiles to eachother. at the end of the day, he would always look so sweaty and tired. you felt generous enough to invite him into your home for dinner, you know, just as a welcoming gesture.

"hey! you seem pretty tired. you wanna come inside to eat? i cooked dinner." you gestured your house to him as he was getting ready to get into his car.

"sure, i don't mind a home cooked meal." he replied with a soft grin on his face.


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