the right stuff. ponyboy curtis

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PROMPT: you ask ponyboy to be your first kiss

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PROMPT: you ask ponyboy to be your first kiss.

you never had your first kiss before, you've had boyfriends and such but you'd never tried to do anything with them. they've definitely tried to get you to "loosen up" but you'd always turn the offer down quick.
mostly out of fear of one thing leading to another.

ponyboy was more understanding than all of your boyfriends in the past, he wouldn't push you into doing anything that you weren't comfortable with, and you appreciated that. he would always be so gentle and kind around you. the more you and him spent more time together, the more you felt safe around him.

you feel like you can tell him anything or everything without feeling like you're gonna be judged.

having your first kiss wasn't something you yearned for, but it was something you had in mind. ponyboy would catch you staring at him, you'd look like you have a question.

"what's on your mind?" he'd always ask.


you were staying over at his house, darry ran his house like a tight ship, so ponyboy had to keep his bedroom door open. you didn't mind, it's not like you and him were gonna do anything suggestive.

you and ponyboy were sitting shoulder to shoulder, sharing a passage of his book to you. his voice sent vibrations of intimacy to you.

he shifted his gaze at you.

"do you like the book?" his velvety voice ran through you.

"it's good, i like it." your eyes fixed on his lips.

with a quiet hum and a subtle smile on his face, he was adjusting himself on the bed to get a little more comfortable,  .

"ponyboy, i have a question." you subtly jolted him.

he looked at you with a semi- concerned expression.

"what is it?"

"if i ask you to do something, you won't get mad?" you said hesitantly, almost stammering over your words.

"depends what it is."

"i was gonna ask you if you can be my first kiss." you whispered, making sure no one was around to hear.

you could see the disbelief creeping on his face. he scouted around to see if anyone was coming.

"are you sure? darry is in the next room."

"i don't care, he won't hear a thing." you basically mouthed.

he looked at you one more time for reassurance, you scuttled to him, your faces were mere inches apart, a slight tension hung between the both of you, uncertain of what to do next. you stomach felt like it was tied up in a bow.

pony's heart races with anticipation, he leaned in closer, and our lips met in a sensitive kiss. quickly deepening, you felt a rush of emotions overloading you.

pony pulled away apprehensively, leaving you both with a mixture of shock and disbelief on your faces.

"was that okay?" pony asked reluctantly.

"yeah it was good, it felt right." you murmured saucily

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