weak. sodapop curtis

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as you swept the last streak of blush on the apples of your cheeks, you could feel the nervous tension building up and circulating all over your body thinking about your 3rd date with sodapop

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as you swept the last streak of blush on the apples of your cheeks, you could feel the nervous tension building up and circulating all over your body thinking about your 3rd date with sodapop.

sodapop had an affect on you that no other man in your life had, even though you and him haven't confirmed the existence of your relationship yet.

you met him at the dx, and you could only remember the nervous but rosy-cheeked feeling that was growing on your face upon seeing him for the first time. all you could think to yourself was that he was so attractive.

he reciprocated the same feelings as you stepped into the gas station, his eyes never your figure as you walked throughout the store.

you stowed away your cosmetics and smoothed down at the hem of your gown, you smiled to yourself, imagining that this is going to be the night that sodapop will finally ask you to be his girlfriend.

the sound of knocking drew your attention, rushing to the door excitedly, you gingerly turned the doorknob and eased the door open to reveal sodapop's movie-star handsome face and alluring smile.

you noticed that his hand was occupied behind his back,evidently hiding something.

"hey sodapop!" you greeted him serenely, trying to keep your excited smile hidden.

"hey... i got these for you." in a swift movement, he revealed a dainty bunch of flowers that were hidden behind him.

"soda.." yourmanner became tender, gracefully accepting the flowers. admiring the array of colours. your eyes dart up at him, a half smile crossed his lips.

"these are so pretty, thank you."

"he's definitely going to make it official tonight." you thought to yourself, boosting your excitement.

you approached him quietly and planted a delicate kiss on his cheek, your lips against his supple skin felt so heavenly and warm.

"i'm glad you like em'" his benign voice uttered.

"you're lookin' pretty." he voiced.

"thank you, you look good tonight too." you simpered.

taking your hand, he guided you from your front porch to his car, with a gentlemanly gesture he opened the car door for you and together exited the neighborhood to the movie theatre.

he wanted to take you somewhere a little bit more formal, as he thinks places like the dingo or the drive-in would make you feel comfortable of the rowdy nature.

amidst the captivating scenes on screen, you and sodapop found yourselves lost in eachothers company, sharing flirtatious looks and delicate hand holding that could easily ignite a spark between the both of you.

you were relying on him to take the initiative, but he was completely absorbed in the movie. you kept stealing glances at him, watching to see if he'd take any action. but he remained inactive.

after the movie, you felt sort of disappointed, not at sodapop but at the fact that you completely convinced yourself that he would stop everything and call you his girlfriend.

on the ride back to your house, sodapop would notice your downhearted expression as you looked out the window at the passing scenes driving by. he remained silent until he arrived at your driveway. he quickly shifted the gear into park and quickly turned his attention to you.

"what's wrong? you haven't said a thing since we left the movies." he questioned, nervously.

you hesitated telling him about what was really bothering you, but you also didn't want to make him feel like he had to make a decision right now. nevertheless, you chose to swallow your pride.

"sodapop, what are we? are we a couple? it's been too long!" you answered, quickly.
"i was so sure tonight was going to the night that'd we'd finally start dating."

you could see a mild surprise flicker across his face at your response, seeing his reaction made you worried that you've made the situation uneasy for him.

"i was afraid if you didn't feel the same way about me like i do about you."

hearing his words made your heart flutter.

"are you crazy? everytime i think about you my knees get all weak and trembling! i really do like you sodapop— i wanna be around you all the time."

a smile spread across his face.

"you really mean that?" he murmured softly, his eyebrows gradually arching upwards.

you nodded with slight excitement, a friendly beam graced your face.

"well." sodapop lightly took your hand and clumsily interlocked his fingers with yours.

"i want us to be together, will you be my girlfriend?"

your eyes shimmered with joy.

"i would love to be yours, sodapop."

he gazed at you with eyes full of longing.

sodapops face carefully moved closer to yours, your lips touched and slowly brushed up against eachother. he cupped your cheek, a silent plea for more, his touch was so soft yet possessive.

your breaths mingling together with a sweet symphony of desire. your lips moved in sync with sync, only making you desire him more and more. your fingers tangled into his hair, dragging in him closer to you.

he withdrew slowly, yet his hand lingered on your cheek. his eyes were so low with love.

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