sweet love. steve randle

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one thing about you and steve, you two will always drink together

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one thing about you and steve, you two will always drink together. it doesn't feel the same when one of you go out drinking without the other.

steve would casually go to the curtis household just to crack a couple of beers and just lounge there awhile with sodapop. ever since you met him, he'd drag you wherever he went.

now, you wouldn't consider yourself as a heavy drinker, you'd drink just enough to keep your mind clear.

tonight, steve dragged you over to the the curtis's just to have a few beers then he'd drop you off home, you agreed to go, expecting a nice get-together with the gang.

hours passed like minutes, beer bottles bunched up beside you. your flushed face, your eyelids drooped.

you and steve were nestled together on the couch, separate from the others but still part of the scene. everyone was spent, slurring words passed. minus ponyboy, who was just observing everyone getting drunk and trying to cover his laughter.

you leaned against him, your head resting on his shoulder, with a tipsy smile on your face. you looked up at steve with your hanging eyes. "you know steve"
you began. your words slightly slurred. "that i love you, very much."

he chuckled softly, trying to play it cool despite the warmth spreading across his face. "oh yeah, i know."   he replied, his voice teasing but gentle.

you nodded, your hand finding his and squeezing it. "yeah, i mean it really. you don't know how much i love you."

he couldn't help but smile, "yeah well, i love you too." he murmured quietly.

you giggled, leaning in closer. "and you're so handsome and strong, i'm so lucky i got a man like you. i love you so so much."  your words tumbled out in a rush, each word landing like a gentle blow on him.

he leaned in gently kissing your forehead, a tender gesture that made your heart flutter.

"bunch of saps." dallas bantered across the room

a/n: steve oh how i love you

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