Chapter 3: Caught off- guard

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As I stepped into the classroom, I noticed that the teacher had yet to arrive. A wave of relief washed over me.

Surveying the room, I found an empty seat near the front and settled into it, my backpack sliding off my shoulders with a soft thud. Around me, the air buzzed with the chatter of my classmates, their voices blending into an indistinct murmur.

As the teacher finally arrived, a chorus of greetings filled the air, and the class settled into a semblance of order. I directed my attention to the front of the room, focusing on the lesson at hand, but a strange sensation nagged at the corners of my mind.

It was the distinct feeling of being watched, an unshakeable presence lingering in the periphery of my consciousness. With each passing moment, the sensation grew stronger, until it was impossible to ignore.

deep down I was guessing who it was and Fighting the urge to glance around, I kept my gaze fixed firmly ahead, determined not to give in to the unease that gripped me. But then, as if drawn by an invisible force, my eyes drifted to the side, and there he was.

On the third chair of the row beside me sat Kabir, the so-called famous guy . His eyes bore into mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still.

Caught off guard by the unexpected encounter, I quickly averted my gaze, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I busied myself with my notes, pretending to be engrossed in the lesson but the memory of our brief eye contact lingered, a silent reminder of the connection we shared, however fleeting it may have been.

As the class progressed, I found myself again concentrating on my studies, my thoughts consumed by the lessons being taught.

Kabir's pov :      

  I arrived to class on time today, a rarity for me, but I had my reasons. I knew that Ishani would be starting class today, and I couldn't resist the urge to see her again. As I took my seat on the third row, my eyes scanned the room expectantly.

And then, there she was. Ishani entered the room, a vision of simplicity and grace. She exuded a natural beauty that left me breathless. I watched in silent admiration as she made her way to the first seat, completely unaware of my presence.

As she settled into her chair and opened her book, I couldn't tear my gaze away. There was something about her that I can't explain, a quiet determination that drew me in like a moth to a flame.

I tried to look away, to focus on the lesson at hand, but I found myself captivated by her presence. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the girl sitting just a few feet away from me, lost in the pages of her book.

Despite my best efforts to maintain a facade of indifference, I couldn't deny the pull she had on me. It was as if fate had brought us together.

As the teacher launched into the lesson, the classroom fell into a hushed silence, the only sound the steady rhythm of his voice. But for me, the world around me faded into the background, my thoughts consumed by the girl who had unknowingly captured my attention.

Lost in a whirlwind of emotions, I barely registered the words being spoken, my focus entirely fixated on her. With each passing moment, my heart beat a little faster, anticipation building within me like a rising tide.

And then, in a moment that felt like an eternity, she turned her gaze in my direction. Our eyes met, and time seemed to stand still. In that fleeting instant, I found myself entranced by the depth and beauty of her gaze, lost in the depths of her soulful eyes.

For a heartbeat, the world ceased to exist, and it was just the two of us, suspended in a timeless moment of connection. But as quickly as it had begun, the moment passed, shattered by the harsh realities of the world around us. And yet, the memory of her gaze lingered, a haunting reminder of the undeniable pull she had on me.

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