Chapter 7: Family time

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As Ishani, Arjun, and Aarohi entered the dining area, they were greeted with a warm smile from Maya. "There you are! Come, sit down. Dinner's almost ready."

Ishani's eyes beamed as she noticed not only Vikram and Rajesh but also Anjali sitting at the table. "Oh, hi, Anjali aunty," she greeted, as she was pleased to see her.

Anjali returned the smile. "Hello Beta."

Aarohi, still puzzled by her mother's sudden appearance, asked, "When did you come, Mom?"

Anjali chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Well, since everyone was here, I thought, why stay alone at home? So, here I am," she explained, flashing a warm smile before excusing herself to the kitchen to help Maya.

Maya and Anjali returned from the kitchen with food in hands, Anjali curiously inquired, "So, what was all that noise upstairs? What were you all up to?"

Maya gestured towards the three of them, her expression all teasing. "yes tell everyone." she asked, trying to suppress a smile.

Arjun, always ready with a playful response, grinned mischievously and said, "Just a bit of innocent fun, aunty. We were having a little pillow fight."

Aarohi added with a laugh, "You know how it is, mom. Sometimes we get carried away."

Vikram and Rajesh exchanged amused glances, intrigued by the commotion. "A pillow fight, huh? Sounds like quite the adventure," Rajesh remarked with a smile.

Vikram nodded in agreement, adding, "Well, as long as everyone's okay and no one got hurt, I suppose it's all in good fun."

Anjali chuckled, shaking her head affectionately. "You kids are always up to something.

Vikram smiled as he looked at Arjun, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "Look at him. Who would believe that this mischievous fellow is a 24-year-old man, soon to be married in just a year?"

Arjun grinned sheepishly, his playful demeanor not fading even in the face of Vikram's teasing. "age is just a number, Papa. Besides, marriage won't change me that much," he said with a wink.

Ishani rolled her eyes at her brother's antics, but couldn't help but smile. "Let's hope not, otherwise Priya didi will have her hands full," she teased.

As Priya's name was mentioned Arjun's cheeks flushed a subtle shade of red, a telltale sign of embarrassment that didn't escape the notice of his family.

Rajesh, ever observant, couldn't resist teasing further. "Oh, look at that blush!"

Aarohi couldn't resist joining in, adding with a mischievous grin, "Oh, I see how it is. Our tough bhaiya turns into a blushing mess at the mere mention of Priya didi's name."

Arjun rolled his eyes playfully, but couldn't hide the genuine fondness in his expression as he thought of Priya. "Yeah, yeah, very funny, everyone. Let's just eat before you all start planning my wedding too," he joked, attempting to steer the conversation.

Ishani joined in the banter, nodding with a grin. "Haan haan dekho, maan ki baat muh pe aa hi jati he".

Her playful remark elicited chuckles from everyone at the table, lightening the atmosphere even further as they continued to enjoy their meal together.

After dinner Rajesh and Anjali stood up, signaling that it was time for them to leave. "Well, it's always fun spending time with all of you," Anjali said with a warm smile.

With that settled, The Gupta's bid their final goodbyes and left for home.

As the Chauhan family came inside after bidding farewell to Gupta's, Ishani turned to her brother Arjun.

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